Chapter 22 - Never take Lucy's cookies

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It's been an hour since Sting got dragged away by Mira. I was entertaining Lucy by holding her dragon plush and flying it around her head, making dragon noises, when Sting finally came back. His eyes were wide, his skin was pale and he was sweating. He slowly walked over to a corner of the guild and curled up into a ball. "Never take Lucy's cookies, never take Lucy's cookies, never take Lucy's cookies" he mumbled repeatedly as he rocked his body back and forth. I looked over at the bar and saw Mira wiping a glass mug like she didn't torture Sting for an hour.

I considered this as payback for laughing at me and Gray when Erza got mad at us for losing Lucy. 'Now he understands our fear' I thought. I noticed Lucy was looking at Sting curiously and an idea popped into my head. "The tickle monster is gonna get ya!" I teased as I tickled her. "D-Daddy! Hahaha stop it! Hahaha" she laughed, trying to push my hands away. "I'm not Daddy, I'm the tickle monster roawr" I teased as I laid her on her back beside me on the seat, still tickling her. She playfully kicked me to stop but her kicks didn't hurt. I lifted her shirt to show her stomach and blew raspberries on her exposed tummy. "D-Daddy that t-tickles!" she laughed.

I stopped tickling her to give her a breather. She stayed laying down on the seat taking a few deep breaths. "Daddy" she said with a glint in her eyes as she sat up. She crept closer and closer and then she tickled my sides. I laughed as she got her revenge. I let her continue to tickle me before I picked her up and held her high. She giggled and I lowered her onto my lap, giving her a kiss on her forehead.

"What do you want to play now Lucy?" I asked and she started to think. "Tag!" she cheered, "ok, who do you want to be It?" I asked. "Daddy's It first!" she replied, "aright, I'm gonna get ya!" I said. She let out a playful scream as she climbed down from the chair and ran away from me. Not using my full speed, I chased her around the guild. After a while, I tagged her and it was her turn to chase after me.

We were having fun until Lucy accidentally tripped over. I quickly turned around to see if she was alright but she had tears in her eyes. She sat up and began crying. I quickly kneeled beside her and pulled her into my arms. "It's ok Daddy's here, where does it hurt?" I cooed as I stroked her back. She sniffled and pointed to her knee. I looked at her knee and it was scraped with a little bit of blood. I carried her to the bar and sat her on the stool. "Wait here, I'll be back in a bit" I said before I left to the infirmary.

I got a hand towel and a bandage before walking back to Lucy. I kneeled in front of her so I was face to face with the scrape. Mira gave me a bowl of water and I used it to wet the hand towel. I squeezed the excess water out and then put it on her knee to clean the scrape. Once the scrape was clean, I wrapped a bandage around it. "All done" I said when I finished wrapping the bandage. "Thank you Daddy!" Lucy said happily and held her arms out for a hug. I gladly picked her up to hug her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

I walked us back to our table and sat down with Lucy in my arms. I noticed it was around dinner time so I called out to Mira and ordered some dinner for me and Lucy. It wasn't long for the food to come to our table. Lucy was eating spaghetti with meatballs while I ate three steak dinners. After we finished our dinner, Lucy let out a big yawn, telling me that she was tired. I let her rest her head on my shoulder and she closed her eyes. I handed her dragon plush and she cuddled with it in one arm.

While Lucy was sleeping, Sting, Rogue and Gray came over. Sting seems to be back to normal now. "So, what happened while you were with Mira?" I asked and Sting tensed. "I don't want to talk about it... Are we still going to go on that job we were talking about before?" he asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yes, but we need to decide what type of job we should go on. We should check what's on the request board" Gray said. I followed Gray, Sting and Rogue to the request board with Lucy sleeping in my arms and scanned through the jobs available. "How about this one?" Rogue suggested as he pointed to one. It was a job to find a rare magical gem for 200,000 jewels.

"A treasure hunt, huh? That should be perfect" Gray commented as he took the request off the board. "I'll tell Erza and Wendy then I'll meet you at Lucy's place" he added as he walked over to the bar to get it approved. "Time to go home" I said and we walked over to Happy. I told him we were going and he followed me, Sting and Rogue out of the guild.

Once we arrived at Lucy's apartment, I laid Lucy down on her bed with her dragon plush. She looked so peaceful, I tucked a stray strand of hair out of her face and kissed her forehead. I realised I was kissing her more often but I didn't care. She was so cute and I love her. I was feeling a little hungry and decided to check Lucy's fridge for any food. To my disappointment, the fridge was completely empty.

I groaned, "what are you groaning about?" Gray said as he entered the kitchen. "There's no food" I groaned. "We'll just have to go shopping after the job is finished and you already ate at the guild" Gray said, "but I'm hungry now" I complained. "We can't do anything about that now" he said and I groaned as I walked back into the living room. As soon as I walked into the room, I noticed an uninvited guest in Lucy's bed. I was angry to know that Sting sneaked into Lucy's bed.

I kicked him off like every other night and he stayed asleep on the floor. 'When will he learn not to sleep in Lucy's bed, that's my spot' I thought as I laid down beside Lucy. "Hey Natsu?" Happy said quietly to not wake Lucy up. "Yeah Happy?" I replied in the same quiet tone. "Can I sleep with you and Lucy?" he asked, "of course you can" I replied. He was happy as he flew down and laid down on the other side of Lucy. I stroked Lucy head before letting sleep take over me.

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