Chapter 29 - You guys are so dead!

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I dodged as Kazuma threw the first punch, I could tell he was more serious about our fight now. His movements were quicker than before and I had to keep my guard up. I aimed a punch at his head but he blocked it with his arm. He threw another punch and this time I blocked it with my arm. I tried to kick his side but he blocked me with his arm again. He aimed a kick to my stomach and I blocked him with both arms crossed. This went on and on as we continued to punched, kicked and blocked each other.

I had enough of all the blocking so I ducked and swung my leg at his feet. He didn't expect it and tripped over backwards. I took the opportunity to grab his ankles and swung him around. After about three spins, I let go without a care of where he would land and noticed he smacked right into his own twin brother.

"Dude! Watch where you get thrown!" Ryuki complained from underneath Kazuma. "Oh, sorry~ that I can't control the flaming air to make me land somewhere else" Kazuma retorted sarcastically as he got off his brother. "Don't take that tone with me! You know, you act all 'smart' but really you're just a jerk who thinks he's smart!" Ryuki argued. They both stood up and faced each other. "How dare you?! Whenever we followed one of your plans, we almost get killed" Kazuma argued back. "Oh really? Name one!" Ryuki challenged, "when you wanted to rob the dark guild 'Rabid Wolves' to fund our magic suction gun" Kazuma retorted. "You know that no one could predict that they would literally have five feet tall wolves guarding their guild hall" Ryuki defended. "Oh yeah right! It's in the name!" Kazuma retorted.

Sting, Rogue, Gray, Erza and I stood a little away from them in disbelief as they continued to argue. "They've totally forgotten about us, haven't they?" Gray asked. "Yes they have" Sting answered, "I've had enough. Help me knock them out Natsu" Erza ordered. "Gladly" I replied and I knocked Kazuma out while Erza knocked Ryuki out. "That was easy" Rogue commented, "Rogue, help me put the seal stone cuffs on them. Natsu, Gray, Sting check on how Lucy and Wendy are doing" Erza ordered, "aye" we replied.

Sting, Gray and I walked over to where Wendy, Happy and Carla. Lucy was still asleep in Wendy's arms. "How is she?" I asked as I gently took her out of Wendy's arms. "Her health is getting better but she is still tired from the magic drain" Wendy answered. I was relieved to hear Lucy's health was improving and I was happy to have her in my arms again. I stroked her cheek gently as I gently brushed a stand of hair out of her face. She smiled in her sleep and snuggled into my chest. Her smile brought a smile on my face. "You looooooove~ her" Happy smirked, he just had to ruin the moment. "Happy!" I exclaimed with a blush. Sting and Gray snickered.

I noticed Rogue and Erza came over with Kazuma was over Rogue's shoulder while Ryuki was over Erza's. Both twins had their wrists cuffed behind their back. "We've destroyed the machine and we are taking these two back to the guild. We will force them to tell us how to change Lucy back to normal when we get back to the guild" Erza said and everyone nodded. We set off out of that terrible room and we exited the cabin, on our journey back to Fairy Tail.

We were half way through our walk in the forest towards Fairy Tail when we heard the twins groan as they woke up. "Argh! How humiliating! I can't believe I'm being carried by a girl! There goes my manhood" Ryuki complained. "Oh shut up Ryuki! You never had a manhood to begin with" Kazuma retorted. "Get over here and fight me!" Ryuki challenged. "I would if I wasn't cuffed and being carried over a shoulder you idiot!" Kazuma argued. "We should've gagged them before" Sting complained, "SHUT UP BLONDIE!" the twins shouted. Sting knocked them out and we all stared at him. "What? They were annoying" he shrugged and walked ahead. We followed him and continued to Fairy Tail.

We finally arrived at the Fairy Tail with the twins still knocked out. Lucy was still sleeping peacefully in my arms. Wendy says Lucy's exhausted from the magic drain and she will need her a few hours of sleep before she will be able to wake up. As we entered through the door, everyone crowded around us asking questions about what happened. Erza and Rogue took the twins down to the cells while I took Lucy to the infirmary.

As soon as I walked into the infirmary, I laid Lucy onto one of the beds and laid myself beside her. After everything, I didn't want to leave her alone and I wanted to be the first one she sees when she wakes up. I noticed she was shivering so I put a blanket over her for warmth and laid my arm gently over her protectively. I felt tired since I didn't get any sleep since Lucy got taken.

I thought a quick nap wouldn't hurt so I closed my heavy eyes. I don't know how long I was asleep for but I woke up to some chuckling around me. I opened my eyes and saw Gray, Sting and Rogue. Sting and Gray were trying not to laugh and I was confused. Rogue lifted a hand mirror in front of me showing the drawings all over my face. I snatched the hand mirror off of him and inspected my face. They drew a moustache under my nose, cat whiskers on my cheeks, black circles around my eyes and 'Ultimate Idiot' written across my forehead.

"You guys are so dead!" I exclaimed as I jumped out of the bed and chased Sting and Gray around the guild. They laughed as I chased them and when everyone in the guild saw my face, they join in laughing.

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