Chapter 2

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-Maxon's POV-

Even with the selection over, the palace seems busier than ever. Kriss is constantly having people come in and out. Half the time, I don't even know why they are here. Most of them are party planners. I never cared for parties but it's all that happens nowadays. Kriss is finding any excuse to have one and her latest excuse is that her family is moving to a house close to the palace. It wasn't as close or as big as the house I bought America but Kriss doesn't need to know that. She never moved in but I never sold it. The thought of it felt like I was giving up hope that she would ever come back.

Who am I kidding? I'm engaged to someone else and I'm sure she is too. I bet her and that guard are probably married by now. He's the one she really wanted. It still hurt to think about. I loved her more than anything else and I let her go, like an idiot.

"Maxon what do you think looks better, the teal or the aqua?" Kriss asked me about something. She was holding too fabrics for table clothes or a dress or something like that. I didn't really care either way. I was working on budgeting documents for the provinces. It was the first time I had to do this by myself since my father was retiring. With a new queen coming into position my father didn't see any point to sticking around anymore, so he and my mother moved to New Asia. Now I was stuck doing the kingly duties I had been training my whole life to do. I had just hoped that I had the right woman by side while doing them. "Maxon are you listening to me?"

"No I'm sorry my dear. What did you need?" She was annoyed and she could tell that I didn't care. "The color of the table clothes for the party on Friday night. Remember the party I'm throwing to celebrate my family moving to Angles" "Oh yeah right. How could I forget?" It wasn't easy to forget the constant parties that were happening here. The reason was always fuzzy though. "So? What color do you prefer?" "You know I really don't care, Kriss. It's your party. I'm just trying to get work done." "You never pay attention to me anymore Maxon! We aren't even married yet and you are already ignoring me."

"I'm not ignoring you Kriss. I just have a lot more important things to worry about than planning another one of your pointless parties." I didn't mean for it to come out so harsh but I was so sleep deprived it just did. Kriss just stormed out of the room. She didn't used to be so vain. During the Selection she was selfless and actually cared about what I had to say. Not as much as America did, but I still thought....actually I don't know what I was thinking, choosing Kriss over America. I admit that America is stubborn, head strong, and has a mouth that could get her in trouble but Kriss...she just isn't America.



Hey y'all. So the first few Maxon chapters are going to seem a little repetitive, but that is for two resaons.

1. There isn't much going on in Maxon's story at this point

2. To show how horribly mundane his life with Kriss is.

Thanks for reading. 

-Hugs and Kisses 

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