Chapter 10 part two

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-Maxon's POV-

It's been two hours and America is still in surgery. I don't know what I would do with myself if she didn't make it. And worst of all, we ended things in a fight. If she dies, our last moments together were a fight. I shouldn't have even come. But what if I didn't come? I wouldn't be here to take care of her. I haven't been there for her for the past seven weeks and she has clearly needed me. I have spent too long hiding like a coward. I've been scared of what she would say what she would do. I made a stupid mistake and I have just lived with my guilt when I should have chased after what I lost. I lost her once and I don't plan to do it again. Aspen then came in to the room. He saw me and I stood up. "How is she?" "She's still in surgery. The doctor said the bullet was lodged in her side. They don't know if it hit any major organs, but they will know after they pull it out." He looked extremely nervous, and I was too. "Did you get any answers out of the rebel?" "Yeah. He said that their informant inside the palace saw you leave the palace and had you followed. He was only supposed to follow you and report back to his informant." Kriss. She had to be his informant. "Did he give you a name?" He shook his head. "I tried, but he wouldn't budge." I took a breath. When America is okay and taken care of, I have to go to back to the palace and get Kriss out of it. "So, if he was only supposed to follow me, why did him and his friends attack us?" "He said that America and his informant didn't get along and that if she was back in the palace it puts their informants place there in jeopardy. Which doesn't make sense. The only person I knew of that Mer didn't get along with very well was Celeste, but it obviously couldn't be her." "No I know exactly who it is. Kriss. I overheard her and some rebels arguing last week." "Why haven't you said anything?" "Because I didn't have any concrete proof. And I had my mind too wrapped up around the idea of seeing America again." "You love her." "With all my heart. And this is all my fault." "How do figure?" "The rebels followed me. I led them right to her. I did the one thing I did everything I could to prevent." I felt tear starting to form. I pushed them back. I had to stay strong. She would want me to. "It's okay. She is strong. She will get through this. I know that you and I have our differences but I think on that we can agree." I nodded my head. "Your majesty"

Dr. Hawkins came out from around the corner. "Dr. How is she?" "She's fine. She's alive and stable but she is still knocked out. She could wake up any minute now." "Can we see her?" Aspen asked. "Yes, but I wouldn't over whelm her." I turned to look at Aspen. "Go ahead. Come get me when she wakes up. I'm going to go give her family the news." I nodded to him and followed Dr. Hawkins to America. She was hooked up to a machine and had a bandage on her head. "This is Dr. Okafor. She removed the bullet and patched her up. I have to attend to another patient but she will catch you up on her condition." With that he left the room. I turned to Dr. Okafor. "So what's her diagnoses?" "She will live. The bullet didn't hit anything major but she will have a scar where her stitches are. She has a concussion but it won't do any major head injury damage. She will just have massive headaches for about two to three weeks. Oh and the baby will be just fine." Wait what? Baby? "I'm sorry. What was that last part?" "The baby. It will be fine. Would have been nice to know that she was pregnant before the surgery though." "I didn't know." "Whoops. Good luck." She left the room. Pregnant? But she's not married? Did she sleep with someone else after me? Or is it mine? Is it mine? Why wouldn't she tell me? Is this the secret that Aspen was talking about? Am I about to be a father? I heard her stir in her bed. She was waking up.

Hey y'all. I'm back from my vacation. It was so much fun to get away with my friends. Sorry I didn't get this up on time. I had to leave earlier than I thought. So Maxon know. Finally. I'm gonna try to get another chapter out today but I have to work tonight so fingers crossed. I also want to take a second to acknowledge Stan Lee who passed away this morning. His stories and characters have been an inspiration to me for as long as I can remember and he will always have a special place in my heart. You will be missed Stan. Excelsior!

Maxerica RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now