Chapter 14

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-Maxon's POV-

I couldn't let her risk her life. I just got her back and I couldn't let her go again. And the baby? I haven't even met her yet and I would feel so lost if she was gone too. I think I'm getting too attached to something that isn't alive yet, but that's my child and love it. I would love it even if it wasn't mine. But I know it is. America wouldn't lie to me about that. I trust her. I love her. I love having her back in my life. Having her here just felt right. Sending her home was the dumbest mistake I've ever made and I'll never forgive myself for it. I'm just glad that she was able to.

I walked down to the Women's Room, hoping Kriss was there. If she admits to her treason, I can argue for a simpler sentence. As I turned the corner, I saw her coming towards me, with a sense of angry in her walk. "Kriss, I was just coming to find you. There is something we need to discuss." "Yes there is Maxon." she said my name almost mockingly. "What is she doing here? And I want the truth this time." "You are one to talk about truth." That's when I noticed her necklace. It looked like the north star. The northern rebel symbol. That had to be what America was talking about. "What is this?" I pointed to her necklace. "It's just a piece of jewelry my father gave me. What does it matter?" "It's the symbol of the Northern Rebels, Kriss. I know that you are one of them." "What are you talking about Maxon? I am not a rebel." "Kriss don't try to deny it. I heard you talking to two rebels when they were here a couple weeks ago. That's why you decided to push the wedding forward." "What proof do you have? Other than your word?" "Nothing. But I will not marry someone who lied to me." "Oh but you are going to marry her? That's why she's here, isn't it? You're going to kick me out and marry her. She cheated on you. I saw it with my own two eyes. She was in the arms of another man. She is the one that committed treason." "Enough Kriss!" I couldn't stand to hear anymore of the things that she was saying about America. "I don't care how long it takes. I will find a way to proof what I know." "Don't underestimate me, Maxon. I am more resourceful than you think. Be careful with what you say. It could come back to haunt you."

With that she turned and left. What did she mean by that? I definitely wasn't underestimating her. She has power, but I had something to fight for. Speaking of which, I had to get back to America. I went back to her room and saw that she was almost done unpacking. "Hey you two." I said to her and the baby. She put down her bag and turned her attention to me. I walked over to her and put one hand on her stomach to say hi to the baby and kissed her lightly. "Hi." She said with a big smile on her face. I had one too. "And how are my two favorite people doing?" "Just fine." she laughs still holding onto me. I had one arm wrapped around her and the other was still on the baby. America's smile dropped and she looked like she was going to pass out. I picked her up and carried her to her bed and told her that she needs to lay down. "I'm okay. The baby is just taking a lot of energy lately. You don't have to worry about me." "No can do. As your future Royal Husbandness, it's my job." she laughed. "So did you talk to Kriss?" I told her yes and then told her what she said. After I told her, she had a worried look on her face. "Hey, everything is going to be just fine. We will handle it. But for now, if you can stand, there is something I need to show you." I took her hand and led her to my room. She looked around my room confused. "I have seen your room before. What's the surprise?" "Turn around." She turned around to see that all of the pictures that were on my wall were gone. "What happened?" I took them down and made photo albums for all of the Elite. It started as an engagement present for Kriss, but I had all of the other pictures so I made photo albums of all six of you and sent them to you." "But I never got mine." "I couldn't send it. There were so many pictures of you that it took me days to finish it. As dumb as this sounds, I got attached to it. It was a way for me to hold onto my memories of you. I didn't want to part with it. God I sound like a fool." "No you don't." She wrapped her hand around the back of my neck and pulled me closer. "I think that's the sweetest thing I've ever heard." She pulled me in for a kiss. It was full of love and passion. We stayed this way for what felt like hours only breaking apart to catch our breath. I wanted more of her. I wanted this to be my normal life. America in my arms and me in her heart. Before I realized it we were on my bed, with me on top. I bit her lip asking for entrance and she gladly accepted. The feeling felt new and familiar all at the same time. It felt right. She tugged at my shirt wanting me to take it off and I did. She ran her hand down my stomach as I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her even closer. I moved down to her neck, kissing and gently biting it.

Before things could go any further, she pulled away. "Maxon, what if we are caught?" She was right. She would be thrown in jail and I wouldn't get her back. Not mention what would happen to the baby. But I didn't want her to leave. "But I don't want you to leave." She giggled at my pouting. "I'll be back right when I wake up, I promise." "We have two months of being apart to make up for. I don't want you to leave me now." "I have nothing to sleep in. All of my pajamas are in my room." I got off the bed and walked to where I threw my shirt. I picked it up and handed it to her. "Oh yeah cause that's not suspicious." She laughed. I gave her a look that said I wasn't kidding. "You're serious?" "Yeah. I'll lock my door. No one will know. Think of it as returning the favor. I stayed in your room last time, now you stay in mine. And hopefully tomorrow night, we will be sleeping in our room. As an officially engaged couple." I saw her face light up. "I would love that." I kissed her quick and she left to grab a shower. When she came out, her hair was in a stringy mop that framed her face and she was wearing my shirt, which showed off her gorgeous legs. "You like what you see or something?" I didn't even realize I was staring. "Yeah I do actually." She walked over to me and climbed onto the bed. She settled under the covers next to me and hugged me tightly. "I love you Maxon Schreave." "I love you too America Schreave." She looked up at me. "It's a little premature don't you think?" "It's a promise. That no matter what happens these next few days, that will be your name. Whether that means we are king and queen or eights. I love you and nothing will change that." I meant every word I said. I love her and that's all that matters. At least to me. I felt her breathing slow and saw that her eyes were shut. She fell asleep. I kissed her forehead and fell asleep to the sound of my fiancé's breathing.

Hey y'all. I swear I'm alive. My life is so nutty right now and I'm trying really hard. But my chapters are getting longer so hopefully that makes up for it. Thanks for your patience.
-Hugs and Kisses

Maxerica RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now