Chapter 5

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-America's POV-

"America Singer, will you marry me?" I sat on the couch stunned. If you had told me eight months ago that this would be happening, I would have been so happy and overjoyed, but now... now I don't know how to feel. "Aspen are you serious?" I had to make sure this was real. "Yes America. I still love you and I want to be here for you. I'm a Two now and I can take care of you. And the baby. I will love it and care for it like it's my own. This is the life we planned for us America. Me getting drafted so we can move up the social ladder so we can get married and have a family. It may not have happened the way we wanted it to but..." "Aspen, stop. Things are not the same as they were eight months ago. We are both in love with different people. I'm carrying someone else's baby and you have Lucy. What about her, Aspen? Don't you still love her?" "I do, Mer. But if you need me, I'm sure she'll understand." I thought about Lucy and all that has happened her life. She didn't deserve that. "Aspen, you know just as well as I do that she doesn't deserve that. I will be fine. I'm getting more work than ever since the selection. I can take care of my child." "I don't doubt that for a second. You have always been strong, Mer. It's who you are. I still want to be around though. If you'll let me." "Of course. You are always welcome." I gave him a big hug. Having him back in my life like this felt right. For the first time in a month, I felt at peace.

For about five seconds. After that Mom came in the room and told me it was time for my doctor's appointment. Aspen wanted to stay and come with me but I told him no. Truth be told I was a little embarrassed. It was my first appointment for the baby and I didn't know what would happen. He must have seen it in my eyes because he looked back at me with understanding in his. He nodded, kissed my forehead and left.

Mom and I got in the car and headed out. The drive seemed like an eternity as I was constantly thinking about all of the possibilities. I thought about what the doctor would say. Would my baby be healthy? What if it's twins? Is it a boy or a girl? I'm sure it's too early to tell that part but one thing I knew for sure; there is something inside. We arrived at the doctor's office and we were told to wait in the waiting room. I started reading a baby magazine, but we got called in almost instantly. The doctor took a blood test and then had me lay down on the bed. She put the cold gel on my stomach and scanned the area. I could hear the heartbeat and felt myself start to tear up. "Well, there is definitely a baby in there. It is too early to tell the gender but if you look close at the screen. You see that tiny dot in the middle? That's your baby."

I didn't think I would get so emotional over this so quickly. I guess my hormones are acting up quicker than I thought. It's not even born yet and I already love my baby. I don't think I'm ready to be a mother yet, but I know that I'll learn. I don't know what it is, but there is something about seeing and hearing my baby for the first time that gives me a boost of confidence that tells me I can do this. "America?" My mother's voice startled me "Do you want a copy of the ultrasound?" "Yes please" I must have been grinning ear to ear, because the doctor let out a giggle as she left the room to go get it. "So how do you feel?" "Great. I don't know what it is but something about seeing him makes me feel...happy." "Him? So you think it's a boy?" "Yeah. Call it motherly intuition." My mom lets out a laugh and I do the same. I think this is the first time I felt genuinely happy about my pregnancy. I keep looking at it as a bad reminder. A reminder of the life I lost. The person I lost. But I realize now that my life can still be great and because of the baby I have a new person to love. A nurse came in and gave me the picture and I got changed and we left for the house.

When we got back to the house, May practically jumped on me. She bombarded me with endless questions about the doctor's appointment and even Aspen's visit. I answered her questions but didn't tell her about his proposal. She would tell me to take him up on his offer. "Well I thought I heard your voice" Kenna came into the room holding Astra. "So how'd it go?" She asked. "Good. The baby is healthy and is growing." "That's great, Ames. Just make sure you are taking care of yourself so it stays that way." "You got it." "Ames!" May shouted. "I forgot to tell you something!" "Okay May but there is no need to shout. I'm standing right here." "Oh sorry. I hope I didn't hurt the baby's ears." She said, rubbing my tummy. "May you're fine. I don't even think the baby has ears yet. Now, what is it that you wanted to tell me?" "Oh yeah." She pulled out a letter. It looked like it had the royal seal on it. "This came for you."



Hey y'all. Sorry that this is late. I felt rushed posting last week and I wanted to get some more chapters written and get ahead before I published again. Thanks for your patience.

-Hugs and Kisses

Maxerica RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now