Chapter 16

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-Maxon's POV-

I woke up to find the spot next to me empty. Where was America? Did she go back to her room already? 7:00 a.m. She must have gotten up really early. Such a shame. I was looking forward to waking up next to her. Well, there would be plenty of time for that when this mess was over. I hopped in the shower, combed out my hair and got dressed. When I was ready to go, I walked to America's room to wish her a good morning and have breakfast with her. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I knocked again, but still nothing. I put my ear to the door to see if I could hear the shower on or something. But nothing. It was silent. I opened the door slowly. When I walked into the room, the room was empty. The bed looked like it hadn't been touched. Her suitcase was right where she left it last night. It was like she never came back to her room. So where was she? I walked down to the kitchens, thinking she might be visiting her old maids. On my way there I was stopped by Adam. He was carrying a tablet and had a worried look on his face. "Your majesty, can I speak to you? In private? It's urgent." 

I followed him back to my office. "We received this message about a few minutes ago." He opened the tablet and it showed a video of America. She looked bruised and knocked out. "Hello your majesty." A rebel said stepping in view of the camera. "We hope you will comply when we tell you what's at stake." He slapped her three time across the face. Each time I felt myself flinching. I did not want to see her in pain. The last time, I saw her eyes flicker open. "Finally you're awake. So your majesty. As you can see, she's alive, but not for much longer. Unless you do what we ask." He proceeded to tell me what he wanted from me. He wanted me to marry Kriss, so they could have one of their own on the throne. This was it. I had proof that Kriss was a rebel. But now I have another problem. I have to get America back. But how? When the rebel put a gun to America's head, I lost it. "Find out where this video came from right now! She will be found! I don't care how many men it takes, she will be safe back here before the day is out! Is that clear ?!" Adam looked at me terrified. He bowed and left the room. When he did, Kriss came rushing in. "What happened, Maxon? I heard you yelling. Is everything okay?" "No it's not." 

I played Kriss the video. "Maxon I can explain." "Yeah you will. Where is she?" "A rebel base about 20 miles from here. I got the instructions they mentioned this morning." "Did you know that they were going to kidnap her? Is that why you practically threatened me yesterday." "They didn't even know she was here. I knew that they were going to come but I didn't know anything about kidnapping. They don't tell me everything. I'm not the one in charge. I'm just the one that was selected. I believe in their causes but their methods have gotten more and more intolerable. I don't want to do this anymore. I can't stand by people who do things like this. You love her and I don't want to stand in the way of that anymore. I know I was bitch but they put a lot of pressure on me and at one point, threatened my family. I see now that I backed the wrong side. I'm sorry." I couldn't tell if she was lying or not, but it didn't seem like it." You really didn't know? "" No. I didn't, but I want to help now. I know where they are keeping her. "" How do I know that you are not just leading me into a trap? "" Because you know what they want. What good would kidnapping you now do? "" Okay, lets go find her." 



Hey y'all. So if this chapter is a little confusing, please go back and read the author's note from the last chapter. It clears things up a bit. I think I only have two more chapters of this story. Thanks for hanging in.

-Hugs and Kisses

Maxerica RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now