Chapter 4

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-Maxon's POV-

It's been a month and everything is still the same, except now Kriss' family pops in every now and then. They don't ever say anything to me though. They don't seem to care about the man marrying their daughter. I don't even know their names. I knew America's family better than my own fiance's. America. I thought about her all the time and even more so after I received that phone call from her. It was so great to hear her voice.

-Flashback, three weeks ago-

"Why must you always be so distant from me?! You never pay any attention to me! You're always "working"! You never take two seconds to look up and answer a simple question!" Fights like this were becoming more and more frequent. I simply didn't care about trying to please her anymore. There was no pleasing her. "Are you even listening to me?"

"What do you want me to say Kriss? I am the king of this country and there is work to be done. You wanted the crown, Kriss and you have it. This is what it's like." She opened her mouth to protest but that's when I guard come in the room. "Your majesty. There is someone on the line for you from Carolina. She says it's urgent." Carolina? She? Could it be..? "Yes thank you." Kriss stormed out of the room, probably assuming the same thing I did. "Hello" "Hi Maxon. It's America. I'm sorry to bother you but I had a question to ask you." I knew it. I never thought I would hear her voice again. Hearing it brought back every memory I had of her. Her smile, her laugh, her firey red hair, her touch. With every good memory that came, there was also a bad one. So many fights and arguments, not to mention the worst one of all. "Yes, what is it?" "I... I wa...wanted to know if the house ...that you b...bought me was still available." She sounded upset. I had to stay strong. I made a choice and I had to see it through no matter how much I didn't want to. "In Angeles? Yeah it's still available to you. I can send some people to help you move in..." " No that's okay. I... I don't want to be a bother. Would you mind... if I moved in?" "No of course not. I bought it for you. It's in the Singer name, you don't have to ask permission." There was long pause of silence before I heard her mumble a thank you. "It's not a problem. If it's not too much to ask, why do you want move in?" I heard the line click and disconnect. She hung up. Why?


I couldn't get that phone call out of my head for three weeks. I didn't send anyone to help her move, like she wanted, but I did send a guard every now and then to the house to make sure she was okay. Now that she lived close to the palace, it wouldn't be too hard for the rebels to find her. I wanted to go see her, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Maybe it was because I was up to my ears in work, but that was just an excuse I told myself. If I was being honest, I was scared. Scared of what she would say or do. I couldn't live with myself if she refused to talk to me. She already hung up on me once and it's been driving me insane. I couldn't imagine her turning me away in person.

"Maxon, I want to set a date for the wedding. I want this to be set in stone." "Okay. Anything in mind?" "As soon as we get all of the details worked out. With the two of us working on it, it should come together quickly." I couldn't think of any other way to get this through to her. "Kriss, I am king of this country. I have important work to attend to everyday. I think you would actually get it done a lot faster if you aren't waiting for my approval." "But Maxon, you are the groom. Your opinion does matter. And I thought it would be something we could do together. So we could bond and spend more time together."

"That sounds like a great idea, Kriss, but like I already told you I have a kingdom to run. And so do you. Being queen has more responsibility than just throwing lavish parties all the time. You are supposed to be helping me run the country." She huffed. "You are just looking for any excuse not to see me. You and I haven't spent a single day together since the night after we got engaged. Hell, you haven't even kissed me in weeks. How are we supposed to get married if you won't even look at me? If it were America, you would gladly look up from your 'work'." I stayed quiet for a while, hoping she would leave. When she finally did, I put my pen down and rubbed my eyes. As much as I hated to admit it, Kriss was right. I regretted the day I chose Kriss over America and I think I will for the rest of my life. I loved her. And I had to get her back.



Hey y'all. So if you read my author's note from the last chapter, you saw that I have decided to upload America's chapters on Tuesdays. If you didn't, now you know that. Maxon's chapters will be on Fridays. I am going to try my very best to stick to this.

-Hugs and Kisses

Maxerica RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now