Chapter 3

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4 weeks later

-America's POV-

We finally finished unpacking in Angles. Mom said it would be helpful to move into a bigger house since we would be adding another member of the family. Since I found out I was pregnant, my mother and I have become closer. She is always there when I'm sick or just having regular pregnancy symptoms. I was surprised at how accepting of this she was, considering that I never told her the full story of what happened at the palace. When I told her she kind of just put of the pieces together of who the father was.


"America we have to tell Mom." All I could do was sit there and cry. I wasn't ready to be a mom. I was only 17 and I wasn't going to get any help from its father. But I knew she was right. I couldn't keep this a secret forever. I nodded to Kenna and walked out of the bathroom to find our mom in the kitchen cooking with Gerad. Mom turned around to see me in tears. "Gerad honey why don't you go ask May if she needs any help." Gerad gladly stepped out of the room. "Mom, America has something she needs to tell you."

"Mom. I'm pregnant." It took some time to get words out as the tears were still flowing. I looked at her and she looked completely calm. She put down her spoon, wiped her hands on her apron and walked to the phone and started dialing. "Mom?" "Hold on Honey. I'm gonna call my doctor to make you an appointment and then I'm gonna call a moving company to help us move into the house that Maxon bought you. If we are bringing another person in the family we are going to need the room. Then I'm gonna call some doctors in Angles to make sure you get good care and then..." "Mom!" Kenna intervened. "This is a lot for America to take in right now! She doesn't need everything to change all at one time! She needs her mother to comfort her and tell her that it's going to okay!" "Everything is going to change Kenna. It already has!" I couldn't take the yelling, especially when it was between two people I cared about. But I couldn't take the pain in my stomach any longer either. I ran to the bathroom to puke once again, hearing two pairs of footsteps following me. As I puked my guts out Mom just held my hair and rubbed my back and said "Everything will be fine"


I got one of the bigger bedrooms while Mom took the master bedroom. May and Gerad got their own rooms and James and Kenna turned the huge shed in the backyard into two bedrooms. There were enough rooms in the house for them and Astra, but they wanted to have their own space and still be close to me and everyone else. I wanted to stay in Carolina, but Mom thought it was pointless to spend money on a new house if we already had one available to us. I agreed with her. I knew that money was going to be tight again because of the baby and we had to be careful with how we spent it. The only thing that scared me about moving to Angeles was calling Maxon to ask if the house was still available. He sounded so cold to me on the phone and didn't seem to care if I moved in. It brought back all of my guilt, not that it ever full went away.

"America, someone's here for you." I heard May call. She sounded giddy, which made me nervous. I went to the front door to find an all too familiar face. "Aspen?" He was dressed so casually, no uniform, no formality, just Aspen. It reminded me of all of the times he came to my door all those times before. Whether he was pretending to make a delivery or looking for work, he would always find a way to come over and see me. "Hey Mer."

"Aspen, what are you doing here?" "Gee I'm happy to see you too. It's been a month and I haven't heard from you. I wrote you letters and tried to call you a couple times."

"I'm sorry. I got your letters, things have just been really crazy around here as you can probably tell. Come in." Aspen came in and sat on the couch in the living room. He said hi to Mom and she gave some tea and left us to talk. "Mer, are you okay? Your eyes look puffy. Have you...have you been crying?" His hand held my face. I tried to deny it but the tears started coming anyway. "Mer what's wrong?" I shook my head. I didn't want to tell him, but there was something about the thought of confiding in Aspen that seemed so comfortingly familiar. "I'm pregnant, Aspen."

His eyes grew wide. I knew he would be shocked, but instead of yelling or asking a million questions, he just pulled me into a tight hug. We stayed quiet for a few minutes before he let go and wiped my tears away with his thumb. "Is it his?" I nodded. "Does he know?" I shook my head. I couldn't even think of what would happen if he knew. Aspen slid off the couch and was on one knee as he grabbed my hands. "America Singer, will you marry me?"



Oooooh clffhanger. I told you that you just had to give it a chance. What will America say? Will she accept? I will upload America's chapters on Tuesdays starting this week. 

-Hugs and Kisses

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