Chapter 10

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A/N: Hey y'all. I decided to dedicate this chapter to daugular01 Thank you so so so much for all of the kind and wonderful words you left underneath all of my chapters. Seeing those comment motivate me to write and post. So thank you. 

Alright now on with the story.

-Maxon's POV-

She slammed the door in my face. Just like I feared she would. It was my worst nightmare come true. America Singer rejected me. The only thing that made me feel better was she rejected him as well. We were quiet for a minute. I didn't want to speak to him, but at the same time there were a lot of things I wanted to get off my chest. But he spoke up first. "Don't take it personally. She's been overly emotional these past few weeks." "Because of me?" "Kind of." He looked down, like he was hiding something. "What do you mean? You know something. You promised her that "no one else knows". No one else knows what?" "That's not my secret to tell. It's America's. You are going to have to ask her.' "No I'm asking you!" "America will tell you when SHE is ready to tell you. She is already irritated with us enough, I don't want to upset her anymore. I am here to help her and be with her, because you sure as hell aren't. You chose someone else. She feels abandoned. I was the one there to pick up the pieces. So if she trusts me a little bit more than you, then you need to respect that." He was right, but I wasn't ready to back down. "I made a mistake. I may be king, but I am also human. I'm not perfect. People are allowed to make mistakes. I made one that is destroying my life and I have regretted it since the MINUTE it happened. Now who the hell are YOU to tell me that I don't get the chance to fix it? I love her and I will do whatever it takes to get her back!"

That's when I heard the gunshot. Aspen and I fell to the ground to avoid it. Three rebels popped out of the bushes that surrounded the yard. Two of them carrying guns. The one without a gun charged towards me, but I was able to roll away. Aspen shot one of the rebels but the other had a gun pointed right at me. America came out of the house. I only saw her for a second before she fell to the ground. The rebel that was pointing at me shot America. I knocked out the rebel that was pinning me down and ran to America. She was bleeding from her side and was unconscious. I heard a gun click behind me. "My assignment wasn't to kill anyone, but I just can't resist." I heard a thud and he was knocked out on the ground next to me. I turned to see Aspen standing with blood on his shirt. He held out is hand to help me up. I took it and stood. "You should get her to the hospital. There's one about a 10 minute walk from here. She is going to need a doctor." "You're not going to take her?" I thought he would. "No. I'm going to stay with her family. Hep them clean up and inform them of what's going on. I also have to question our friend here." He kicked the passed out rebel. I picked up America, but there was one more thing I had to know. "Why did you save me?" "Because despite our history, you are still the king and I'm still royal guard. Besides, America would probably kill me with her bare hands if I let you die." I let out a small chuckle. He was right. She would. I gave him a nod and ran to the hospital.

I ran as fast as I could to the hospital. I'm glad America is light. I was able to carry her all the way there with no issues. I busted through the doors and turned to the first nurse I saw. "Help her please!" The nurse called for team and a bed. "What happened?" one of the nurse's asked me. "She was shot in a rebel attack. Her name is America Singer. She's 17 years old. It looks like she was shot on her left side." "Ok my name is Dr. Conrad Hawkins. I will be taking care of her. Now, are there any other medical conditions that we should be aware of?" I thought for a moment. "Not that I'm aware of." He nodded. He cut her shirt open to see her wound. I turned away. I didn't want to see her like this. Dr. Hawkins finally spoke up again. "Nurse Nevin page Dr. Okafor to the OR, then prep the patient for surgery." Wait what? "Surgery? What's the problem? What's wrong?" "The bullet is lodged in her side. She is going need surgery to get it out. I don't know if it hit any major organs, but we will find out." The nurse started to wheel her out of the room. I followed the cart till I was stopped by Dr. Hawkins. "Your majesty you have to wait here." I was on the verge of losing my mind. I wanted to yell and scream at this doctor for keeping me from her. But he was doing his job. I took a deep breath and walked to a seat in the waiting room. All I could was hope. Hope that she would be okay. 



Hey y'all. So this is a two part chapter. Part two will be posted by the end of the day. I am going out of town with some friends for the holiday weekend and school is about to be CRAZY this week. I don't know how much writing I'm going to able to get done but I will try to upload one or two more chapters, in addition to this one, next week. Thanks for understanding.

-Hugs and Kisses

Maxerica RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now