Chapter 9

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-America's POV-

"I still love you." His words stopped me in my tracks. I imagined him saying those words a thousand times over, but I never thought he would be at my front door. It's not out of the realm of possibility. He does know where I live. I asked him if I could move in. Maybe that's why he told me I could. Was he planning to come after me? If so, then why did he wait so long? I could tell he was nervous. Maybe that was it. But there was an important variable that we were forgetting. "Maxon. You have a responsibility and a fiance. You should be with her. Not with another woman." "I don't love her. I have tried. She doesn't care for me like she claims to and with every passing day, we grow further and further apart. That's not a life I want. I want a life with someone I love and that loves me in return. That was supposed to be us America and I still want it to be. If you'll have me." He took my hands. His touch was so comforting. It made me feel safe. Like I could do anything.

He still loved me. He wanted to be with me. I wanted to tell him I loved him too. I wanted to go back to the palace and marry him. I wanted him by my side for the rest of my life, just like we planned. Maybe he would even accept the baby and we would raise it together. We could have a life. "Maxon, I..." "America!" Oh no. Aspen is still here. "Who is at the door?"Oh no. "Your majesty." The look on Maxon's face was truly heartbreaking. HE was truly heartbroken. "I see. I'm sorry I interrupted your evening. I'll be on my way then." "Maxon wait!" I tried calling after him. "No America it's okay. I made a choice was wrong of me to expect you to wait for me." "Aspen and I aren't together. He just comes to the house to check on me and my family." He turned to Aspen, with a slight bit of angry in his expression. "Do you still love her?" "I care about her. I'm only doing my job. You added a shift to guard this house and America. I signed up for it." "Why?" Maxon asked gritting his teeth. "Because you weren't there for her so I had to be." Wow. I did not expect that from Aspen. But he kept his work from me. I asked him about his job and he never once told me about this. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I'm sorry Mer. I didn't want to make you any more nervous than you already were. No one else knows I promise." "And you..." I turned to Maxon. "You've sent guards to spy on me?" "Not spy. Protect and watch over. You live in Angeles very close to the palace. If rebels find out you're here, you are at great risk of attack. You and your family. I wanted to make sure that you would be okay." "It's an invasion of privacy. I don't need you to protect me. You gave that up when you choose Kriss. Your job should be protecting her." I turned to go back inside the house. He tried to speak but I cut him off. "Goodbye Maxon." Aspen tried to follow me inside. "You should go too." I closed the door.

It was quite for a minute. I leaning with my back against the door and I started to cry. The only question I had in my head was why. Why? So many whys rattling around in my head. About both of them. I could hear them arguing outside but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I didn't really care. I was pregnant and hormonal and if I was irrational with them, I didn't care. I had too many thoughts of my own in my head. And I didn't even know where to start. I heard more shouting outside and it didn't sound pleasant. Maybe I should go out there and make sure everything was okay. That's when I heard the gunshot. I opened the front door to see Maxon running to the house and Aspen tackling a rebel. I heard another gunshot. Then I blacked out. 



Hey y'all. So after uploading these chapter I noticed that they were kinda short. So, I'm sorry about that but I hope y'all are still enjoying the book.

-Hugs and Kisses

Maxerica RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now