Chapter 15

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-America's POV-

I felt a tickle on my shoulder and tried to brush it away. It returned a second later and that's when I realized it was a tickle. It was a kiss. Maxon's lips on my shoulder. It sent shivers down my spine, knowing that he was there. He put his hand on my stomach, which was huge now. I was ready to pop at any moment. The rebel alarm goes off. Maxon scoops me up, despite my huge belly, and takes me to the safe room under our room. He puts me down on the cot in the room when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. "Maxon I think my water broke!" I shouted at him. Dr. Ashlar came running in and told me that the baby is coming. "Right now?" Maxon asked. "Yes your majesty. It's time. This baby is coming now. Start pushing, your majesty." It was the worst pain I've ever felt. Maxon held my hand but it wasn't helping. "Just a few more big pushes your majesty." It wasn't over yet? I wanted this to be over. Right now. "Come on America, you're doing great. You got this, she's almost out." I don't know how much more of this I could take. "Alright here she is. It's a girl your majesties. Congratulations." Dr. Ashlar placed my newborn daughter in my arms. I could look at her forever. I looked up and saw the tears in Maxon's eyes. He was just as happy as I was. He looked at me and kissed my forehead. "We made that, my love." he said. "I know. I can't believe it. I never thought this would be happening." I almost forgot we were in the safe room. The rebels that burst in brought me back to reality. Maxon tried to fight them off but a rebel pushed him down to the floor. I was in tears. What did they want? Today of all days! The rebel that pushed Maxon down took my baby out of hands. I was screaming and crying, wanting my baby back. Wanting my husband at my side. Another rebel came up to me a slapped me across the face. Then again. Then one more time. That's when I woke up.


When I opened my eyes, I was in, what looked like a rebel base. I was in an empty room tied to a chair. There was a camera in front of me and a rebel standing over me. "Finally you're awake." He sounded irritated. He moved out of the way so there was nothing between me and the camera. "So your majesty, as you can see she is alive. But not for much longer. Unless you do what we ask." He clearly wasn't talking to me. Maybe the camera. Was this footage being sent to Maxon? I had to stay strong for him. "You see, we went after you the other night. We were just going to kidnap you, threaten you, then send you on your way to do what we want. But when we got there, we found something better." He walked around to stand behind me. He picked my head up by my hair and held a knife to my throat. "We found her. A mistress." I hated that word. That wasn't what I was. I meant more to him than that or at least I thought I did. "So here's what's going to happen. You are going to provide the country with a queen. A queen that is one of us. I didn't want it to come to this but Kriss couldn't do it on her own, so we had to interfere." He removed the knife from my throat and released my head. "You have 36 hours to marry Kriss. She already has her instructions to finish any "preparations" that might have slowed you down before. Fail us your majesty..." He held a gun up and pointed it right at my face. "Or she dies." He hits me over the head with the gun and I black out again. 


Hey y'all. 

So I published this chapter a few days ago, but I guess my writing wasn't clear. America giving birth is just a dream. When she wakes up she is still only two months in. Sorry for the confusion. I hope I cleared it up. 

-Hugs and Kisses

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