Chapter 6

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-Maxon's POV-

The sound of the rebel alarm interrupted my work. Guards come rushing in but I was already heading for the safe room. I walked to one of the walls of my office and pushed a certain spot. The wall opened revealing a stone staircase that led to a safe room which was connected to Kriss' office. To my surprise Kriss wasn't here yet. She hated the rebel attacks. They scared her to no end. She was probably in another safe room by now. I went over to the desk and grabbed some paper and a pen. I wanted to write America a letter. I wanted to tell her everything. That I still loved her and that I wanted her back. That she was the only one I ever truly wanted. But most of all, I wanted to tell her I was sorry. I regret the decision I made to let her go the minute it happened. I couldn't go on like this anymore. I had to get her back. I have written love letters before but for some reason I couldn't get my words out this time. I don't know why it was so difficult. I loved her plain and simple. Why was it so hard?

I don't know how much time passed, but it felt like a lot when I heard a crash come from Kriss' room, which brought me back to reality. I walked up the staircase that led to her office and pressed my ear to the door. I heard Kriss arguing with what sounded like two men. "I know you're angry but do you have to take it out on my jewelry box?" "You promised to have this done by now." "It's not my fault. Maxon is being resistant. I can tell that he doesn't want to marry me. For all I know he is still yearning for his precious Five. I'm doing everything I can." "It's not enough is it?" I heard the second man yell back. "Now do you have a plan of action that will ACTUALLY work, or do we need to take matters into our own hands?" "Not just yet. I'm hoping that this attack will push him over the edge to want to give the country a queen." Kriss was starting to sound scared. "You better do something fast." The first man said. "We will be back in one month unless progress has been made." I heard footsteps and the door slam shut. They were gone.

I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I walked back down the staircase into the safe room. I tried to return to my writing, but there were other thoughts in my head now. What did I just hear? Is Kriss a rebel? Has she just been playing me this whole time? If so, then what did she really want? What do the people she work for want? Or was she the one calling the shots? No she couldn't be. She sounded scared of the men. I did know one thing for sure. I couldn't trust her again. Not after what I just heard. I heard the wall from my room open and Kriss' running footsteps. She ran to me and threw her arms around my neck in a hug. She tried to kiss me but I turned my face to kiss her check. She had one thing right. I didn't love her.

"Your majesty. The rebels are gone." "A guard informed me. I thank the guard and we walk back up the stairs into my office. Nothing was damaged this time and no one was killed. If I didn't hear Kriss and the rebels conversation, I would be concerned as to why they were here. "Kriss where were you during the attack." '" I could see the lie forming in her eyes. "I was in the Women's room when the alarm went off. I panicked ran to the closest safe room I could find. Officer Johnson came and found me." I was going to have to keep my eye on that guard. Either Kriss convinced him to lie or he was with her during the attack. I didn't know who to trust in my own palace anymore.

Th next day I was still on edge. Kriss was acting more loving towards me and was very invested in getting the wedding preparations done. I tried to cooperate with her as best as I could. She is still my fiancé and rebel or not I have a duty to this kingdom to provide a queen and an heir. At this point, I didn't think it would be possible for us to do that. I couldn't really stand to look her in the eyes anymore. I knew that if I did, I would see the betrayal in her eyes. "Maxon? Maxon ,honey are you listening?" "Yeah sorry." "I wanted to set an official date. How about in three weeks? February 22nd?" "Doesn't that seem a little quick?" "Well, I love you and I want to marry you. We have been putting this off for a while now, so I thought let's stop procrastinating and get married." "Okay. If that's what you want." "Great. I'll have Sylvia draw up and send out invitations." She leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Oh and I wanted to let you know that 'm having my bridal shower at the end of the week. The guests are going to be staying here for three days. One of them being the day of the party." "Okay. How many people can we be expecting?" "Well I sent out about 20 invitations between my friends from Columbia and some of the selected. The rest of the elite more specifically." I shot straight up and turned to look at her so fast I think I got whiplash. "Did you say that you invited the elite?" "Yeah. Is that a problem, honey?" "No, not at all" This is my chance. At the end of this week, America will be back at the palace. I would see her again. I could pull her aside and tell her how I feel. If she returns my feelings then maybe we could be together. Maybe we could find a way to prove that Kriss is a rebel and have her removed from the palace. I could do anything as long as I had her by my side. But that was all wishful thinking. She had to show up first.



Hey y'all. So I know it's Thursday and I said that the Maxon chapters would go up Friday, but I'm having some writer's block and I wanted to get this chapter out to see if it would inspire me to write more. Hope this writer's block goes away soon so I can keep writing. 

-Hugs and Kisses 

Maxerica RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now