Chapter 7

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"Is it from Maxon?" May asked. I torn it open, wanting to just get it over with. I read it and realized it wasn't what I thought it was. I was thought it was going to be a letter from Maxon. I don't know what I expected it to say. I wanted it say that he missed me or that he still loved me. But that was wishful thinking. I was disappointed. I wanted it be from him, but it wasn't. It was from Kriss. "Kriss invited me to her bridal shower." "Oh Ames, that's cool. Are you gonna go?" "I don't think so but I'll send her a gift." "What do you mean you aren't gonna go?" Kenna said from behind me. "I can't go back there. There are too many memories and he will be there. I don't know if I can face him again." "May can you give us a minute?" With that, May left the room. I was surprised. I thought she would want to stay and listen to me and Kenna talk. She was probably listening from around the corner anyway.

When May left the room, Kenna turned back around to look at me. "I can't go back there Kenna." I told her on the verge of tears. I have been crying a lot more than usual lately. I blame the hormones. "You can't hide here forever, America." "But if I go out in the open, people will know. I'm almost 7 weeks in. I'm gonna start showing soon. People are smart. They can figure it out. And when people find out..." "People? Or Maxon?" "they could take my baby away from me. My baby has royal blood, and him and Kriss have the power to take him from me and raise him without me. I want to keep my baby." I was full on sobbing now. May could definitely hear us. "You know Maxon better than that. He would never do that to you." "It might not be his choice." We were silent for a while. I think she realized I was right. There are rules that even the king has to follow. "Okay. Let's get cleaned up and go get Kriss a gift. Even though you aren't going, you were still invited. Don't want people thinking you died." I knew she was joking, but would that be such a bad thing?

The day of the party came and I was at home in a pair of sweats with some ice cream. I looked like the girl that just go her heartbroken in a cheesy romance movie. The Report was doing a special showing of the party. The cameras were showing everyone talking and laughing. I almost regretted not going. Almost. "And here come King Maxon and the host for the party, Lady Kriss." Gavril said to the cameras. They both came over to him. Kriss looked beautiful. Being queen suited her. And Maxon...he looked happy. Gavril was asking them a ton of questions about the party and their future plans for the country but I wasn't really listening. I was watching Maxon. Every question that was for him he let Kriss answer. It looked like he didn't want to be in there, but was willing to support his fiancé. That was Maxon for you. "So Maxon, will you be staying for the party?" Before Kriss could answer, Maxon jumped in almost instantly. "Actually no. It's a girls only zone. Besides I have somewhere else to be tonight." With that Maxon gave a kiss on the check to his fiance and left the party.

Gavril talked to Kriss for a few more minutes, then she returned to the party. They showed Kriss talking to people and dancing and opening gifts. They even showed her opening my gift. After about an hour or so, Aspen came over and sat with me. It was nice having him in my life like this again. He came over almost once a day to help out around the house or even to stop by for a minute and say hi. Aspen and I sat on my couch and talked while watching the Report. Every now and then we would make little comments on what was going on. After a while I heard a knock at the door. I got up to answer it but Mom got there first. "America! It's for you!" She called to me. Her voice sounded shaky, like she was scared. I got up off the couch and went to the door. When Mom moved out of the way, I saw who was here. "Maxon?" 



Hey y'all. Good news: my writer's block is definitely gone. So the next few chapters are ones that I am really REALLY proud of. I'm going to just post em all now because I am super excited about em and they are just sitting on my computer waiting to be uploaded. I put up the posting schedule to hold myself accountable and motivate myself to write, but with each chapter I get more and more excited. If I catch myself falling off the track, I will go back to the posting schedule, but for now I will post as I finish. Thanks for reading. 

-Hugs and Kisses

Maxerica RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now