Chapter 12

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-Maxon's POV-

"I still love you." That was all I needed to hear. She still loved me. I pulled her into a deep kiss. It took her a second but she did accept it and wrapped her arms around my neck. It genuinely felt like it was just the two of us. Well I guess it was three now. That thought made me feel purely happy for the first time in two months. I wanted this to be my life. My America in my arms and our baby on the way. Now and for all eternity. I love this woman and I would go to Hell and back to keep her by my side. I want to make this thing official. I pulled away even though I didn't want to. I saw in her eyes that she wanted more. "Will you marry me?" She smiled and laughed. God, I missed her smile. It really did light up the room. And her laugh was literal music to my ears. I missed her so much. She pulled me into another kiss. One that was more delicate and full of life. Like we had been together our whole lives. "What do you think?" she asked me. I laughed and said "I'll take that as a yes." She looked me in the eyes and never took her arms off my neck. "Yes of course." I grinned ear to ear. This was the happiest I've ever been.

This time it was my turn to pull her into a kiss. She said yes. This was it. She was all I wanted and now I had her and I never wanted to let her go. We were in our own little bubble that I never wanted to pop. Unfortunately, it had to. She pulled away and looked at me with sad eyes. "What are we gonna do now?" That was a great question. One that I didn't have an answer to yet. "I don't know. Yet. But we can figure it out. I think the first step is coming back to the palace. We have to be smart. If we don't have a fully laid out plan, Kriss will step in. She will not let go easily." "So what happens when she does step in.  I won't just live in the palace as your mistress. I won't do that to our child. I just won't." "No. No! That won't happen. We will be together and we will be a proper family. That is the one thing I can guarantee." She nodded her head and hugged me tightly. 

I held onto her for a few minutes before her family came in. Magda came in first with tears in her eyes. "Oh my baby!" She ran over and hugged America. I stepped away to let her have her moment with her family. "Aspen told us there was an attack. Are you okay? Is the...?" She didn't know that I knew. "Yes I'm fine and so is the baby." She hugged both of her sisters then Aspen who came in shortly after the Singers did. She motioned for me to come over and I did and sat on the bed next her. "Mom, Maxon knows about the baby and he wants to help me raise it." Oh she was just going to pull the bandaid right off. "Not just help raise it. I want to be a part of its life and your daughter's. I made a stupid mistake letting her go. And even though the circumstances aren't perfect, I feel like I got a second chance. And I don't want to mess it up again." "I love him, Mom." Magda nodded in approval. "Then who am I to stop you." I looked at America and smiled. It was nice to have her family's approval.

"So do we know why you were attacked?" May asked. Aspen explained the situation on why the rebels were there and why they attacked. America also explained her medical state and that she is okay. "And I'll take care of the bills and the cost of the surgery." It was my fault that she was here. They shouldn't have to pay for my screw up. "No no you don't have to do that. We can figure it out." "Please let me do this. America is my fiancé and I want to take care of her. Besides, it's my fault the rebels were there." " Don't blame yourself Maxon." America said to me. How could I not? The rebels followed me to her house. I led them right to her. "Hey." She said in a calm tone, getting my attention. "It's okay." When she pulled me into a tight embrace, I knew she was right.

Hey y'all. OMG that was easily my favorite chapter I've ever written. Maxon is so easy to write for. He just the most Hufflepuff of all the Puffs if you know what I mean. I'm also glad that I was able to get this done. I have to cheer at my school's basketball game in 10 minutes and I really wanted to get this chapter up before the game. Let's GOOOOOOOOOOOO PARROTS!!!!!
-Hugs and Kisses

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