Chapter 17

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A/N: Wow. 1K reads!! Thank you so much for reading and sticking through. I appericiate it more than I can say. As I thank you, the rest of the book will be up by the end of the day!! Thanks again. 

-America's POV-

I woke up hearing lots of shouting and gun shots. I could feel the rocking motion of someone carrying me. They were running. Who was holding me and where were they taking me? I wanted to kick and scream out of their arms, but I didn't have the strength. What was going on? I managed to open my eyes just enough to see a full head of blonde hair. Maxon. He found me. "I found her." I heard him tell someone. "Good. Get in. I'm going to take you back to the palace." The guard he was talking to sounded like Aspen. Was it? Of course he would be here. This was his job. As Maxon slid into the back seat of the car, he never loosened his grip on me. It was like he never wanted to let me go again. Which he probably didn't. I closed my eyes and drifted off to the thought of the man I love holding me tight.

I woke up again to a more pleasant sound. All I could hear was the sound of a heart rate monitor. I slowed opened my eyes, adjusting them to the light. When I could see clearly I realized I was in Maxon's room. There was medical equipment near by. He probably wanted me near him. I sat up slowly and saw him sitting at his desk. "Maxon?" I said as strongly as I could but it still came out weak. "America." His face lit up as he rushed over to me. He sat on the bed and hugged me tightly. "You're awake. You're okay." "Yeah I'm okay." He pulled back and stared into my eyes. "I don't know what I would've done if I lost you again. Seeing you with a gun at your head j...just...just sc...scarred me, and...and..." His voice started to become shaky and there were tears in his eyes. I don't think I've ever seen Maxon cry. I pulled him back into a hug. "I'm right here. I'm okay. I'm not going anywhere." "God I feel so weak. You were the one that caught captured and you're consoling me." He wiped the tears in his eyes. "I'm okay. I know I'm safe because I'm here with you." "But you were sleeping with me right here when you were taken. How could you still feel safe?" "Maxon, please don't blame yourself again. It's not your fault. I never felt more safe with anyone else. I love you." "I can't help but think that I could have done more." "Maxon you got me out. You have done everything for me." "Thank you America. I love you so much." I pulled him in for a passionate kiss. I loved him so much. He pulled away and just started into my eyes. "And." He said going down to my stomach. "I love you too little one." I couldn't help but smile. "So what now?" I asked him. "Well, Kriss turned herself in. She was arrested for treason, but I was able to argue a light sentence. She will be out in a few years. But now the country needs a queen. Are you up for it?" "Of course I am." "Then let's start our lives together. The way they should have in the first place." "I agree."

"Hello Lady America. It's good to see you again." Dr. Ashlar said when he came into the room. "So I have good news and bad news." Maxon sat up a little straighter, clearly wanting to pay attention to every word he said. "The good news is that everything with you is just fine. Your bloodwork is normal and I didn't see anything broken or fractured on the x-rays. You have a clean bill of health." "That's good. I'm happy to hear that." I said turning to Maxon. He still looked scarred and concerned. "What about the baby?" Maxon asked. I turned back to Dr. Ashlar. His expression dropped to sadness. "What is it? What's wrong with my baby?" I asked, starting to panic. "The baby...She didn't make it."

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