Notice: This chapter was also a very negative and toxic one that I want to forget ever happened. I would like to sincerely apologize to anyone who has read the original, and was affected negatively. It is something I wish I never put out for people to read as it was just full of hate and toxicity, but I am so thankful to those who commented, helped me change, and become more self aware. I hope moving forward that no one gets offended, and that you can see a better side of me as an author and person. Enjoy the new and much better chapter! In addition, like chapter one, I have since deleted prior comments so if yours is missing, that is why. I again, just want to get rid of all the toxicity and hate, and move onwards in a better direction. Sorry to anyone who previously commented, and to those who may be offended by me taking down the past comments. I also want to make it clear that I still am very thankful to those who commented and helped me to correct my word-choice, and by me deleting past comments I am by no means taking back the words I said to people. I truly do appreciate everyone's guidance and everyone's help back then (and still do), but I want a clean slate and fresh start with you all <3 so to move forward and become better, I have taken down those comments.
I like beatdrops
This again is kind of a short chapter as there is not too much else to it really, but I do like beat drops. Again, I've personally seen that a lot of people do not enjoy them that much but I think if done right, beat drops are actually really cool and I really enjoy listening to them. I do agree that sometimes beat drops have gotten a little out of hand (for a lack of better words) and that some have definitely been messy and not good at all, but I think there are tons of songs that have good beat drops, such as "More and More" by Twice and "Wannabe" by Itzy. Now, I do not wish every song had a beat drop because I would get so bored of that easily, but I do like a good beat drop every once in a while as it can really set the tone and get people really hyped and excited when listening to the song. Overall, not all beat drops are bad, and I enjoy listening to them.