Hey everyone! So I've been MIA for over a month and honestly I owe some explanation. For starters, I've just been really unmotivated. I have ideas for chapters, but I either don't know how I wanna word them or I just don't feel like writing at all. I'm so sorry I was not able to publish any new content, but hopefully I will have something new maybe later today or tomorrow for you guys!
The other reason is because I've been going through some stuff and it's taking a toll on how I'm feeling mentally and physically, so that also contributes to why I'm unmotivated. Don't worry too much because I do believe it's gotten a lot better, but still not 100% better. Again, I'm sorry for the lack of content but I hope to publish something real soon.
Finally, I attached a video at the top regarding the usage of a word people use to describe idols. I'm honestly disgusted at how this term has been loosely thrown around and I recommend everyone to watch the video. It's very educational, and I hope that by putting it here people will stop using the term.
Anyway, thanks for reading my mini note. I hope you all have a good day or night depending on where you are, and look out for the new chapters soon! I love you my little lavenders [that's what I'm deciding to call my readers. Hope you don't mind :) ] <3