Chapter 2: Change

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Elena's P.O.V
My name is Elena Gilbert and now that I've lost Stefan and Damon all that I know is that I should move on, but how can I?

That night at 10pm I pack my stuff up and go out to my car. I begin driving out of Whitmore college campus, along the way my phone rings and I answer to Caroline's voice.

"Hey, Elena where are you I thought you said you were coming home an hour ago, remember Jeremy's birthday?!"

"I'm sorry Caroline I just have a quick errand to run I'll be there soon I promise."

"Elena look I know the loss you suffered, we all have but you can't just let that hold you back, Stefan and Damon would want you to move on, or at least try just as we all do."

"Ok I'll see you soon."

'Move on' those two words are all anyone throws at me, it's been a little over 2 months and I'm no closer to moving on than I am to being on time to my brothers birthday. As I drive on and on I eventually stumble upon the Mystic Falls woodlands ( the place where we made a memorial for Stefan and Damon). I pull the car over and park it up, as I exit the car I stand just on the very edge of the woods and feel my conscience grasping me telling me 'Don't do it' because it will only just remind me of how heartbroken I am, but I need to find a place where I still feel connected to them and this the closest as I can be.

I begin crossing the ground of the woods hoping that this will help me on some way, a way that will help me stop suffering, a way that will take away the pain, a way that I will maybe find someone who I will love just as much as Stefan and Damon and who will help me find happiness.

At last I have reached the memorial; a small tree trunk, smothered in red roses and possessions of the Salvatore's, I see the frame that holds the picture of us all together on the day we all went out to celebrate when I had been offered my first job experience as a writer in New York , at first I didn't want to leave; everyone was just at the start of their lives, but me more than most and I just didn't feel ready yet. Despite my feelings Stefan and Damon promised that everyone would be fine and I decided this was my life ready to begin.

I hold the picture frame tightly to my heart grasping it as if they were all here with me, I sink to my knees and the tears well up in my eyes and hit the ground like bullets. I can't turn up at Jeremy's birthday like this, I'll just have to call and say that I'm tired or caught up in something. Tomorrow I'll go see Jeremy and wish him a happy 18th birthday and give him the present that I should have taken to him tonight: a photo album that I made of all of our friends and family memories; happy memories.

As I stand back up and prepare to leave I place the picture frame back down on the trunk and a twig snaps nearby, the sound causes me to tense up.

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