Chapter 11: The Attack

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Cassia's P.O.V
"Two thousand years ago, I was one of the first three witches that had ever lived." I tell Esther and Finn.
"Now, I, Cassia have returned, in the body of my older sister, Amara to end what I helped create."
I move my hands while I chant the spell and in only a matter of minutes the roads of Whitmore are crawling with dozens of supernatural beings: vampires, werewolves, hybrids and witches from centuries and only a few years ago.
"This is beyond the power of any witch." Finn says devastated.
I turn to greet my two bystanders, they look at me with fear and impression.
"Well, let's get to work."
"What's the plan?" the woman that is harbouring Esther's spirit asks.
"I want that doppelgänger girl brought to me, alive."
Elena's P.O.V
All sound has vanished from the room, I hold myself tight against Elijah.
"Why did you give me the necklace, Elijah?"
His eyes move down to me, but before he can say a word all of a sudden the lights start to flicker, short low panic erupts amongst the others. Elijah's arm moves around my back, Klaus comes toward us with a strong look of rage on his face.
"Its happening again, Elijah we need your help."
Rebekah walks to us with Matt by her side, Bonnie and Jeremy do so as well. I can't help but hold onto the lapel of Elijah's suit, shut off from everything that is going on around me.
"Jeremy and I'll take Elena, she'll be safe with us." Bonnie offers.
"I'll go with them too." Matt says.
"Don't count me out." Caroline states to us.
Everyone nods in agreement, except for me and Elijah. I let go of Elijah and look up to his face, he kisses me on the forehead.
"Go with them, Elena, I want you to be safe."
I nod in agreement and take Bonnie's hand as I am led away from the large hall, before I make my way through the doors I look back at Elijah one last time. Before Matt follows on he kisses Rebekah softly on the lips and comes for us. This is where everything changes again, we must all face this dreadful curse again but this time, what if none of us survive?
Elijah's P.O.V
We scout the area outside, everything is all clear there is nothing in the distance coming at at us, the plan must be to catch us off guard.
"There's something coming." Rebekah calls out.
Caroline and Rebekah stand a few metres apart from each other to the left of me and Klaus, I try to step forward but I am blocked by an invisible force that keeps me at bay.
"Brother, a spell is being cast to prevent us from moving from here."
"How can this be?" he says uneasily.
"Look! Over there." Caroline yells.
A tall blonde female figure is situated out in the distance from where Caroline and Rebekah are looking at, her hand is raised in the gesture to cast a spell, she's not alone there is another figure across from where Klaus and I are watching, their combined might is confining us to the vicinity of Whitmore college, what is their next move?
The first attack is launched: a vampire zooms in towards Caroline, Rebekah anticipates it and slashes its head off with her hand spread out flat. More and more of the undead creatures begin to emerge from the darkness and all merge into a huge formation; their numbers are too many, we can't take them.
"Aargh!" Klaus screams out loud.
Witches are at the very edge of the territory that we are standing upon, their magic is causing us all to experience pain and suddenly s veiled figure stands just before me.
"Who are you?"
The figure draws back the veil from her face, when her face becomes visible my sight must be tricking me.
"I don't believe we've met, my name is Cassia." She explains.
"You're the one who's controlling this curse?"
"Indeed, but this is not my body this is the body of my sister: Amara, the true originator of the Petrova bloodline, two thousand years ago."
The allure of the Petrova doppelgänger grips me tight.
"Where is the one called Elena."
So that's why she attacked us, she is after Elena, but why?
Elena's P.O.V
The charm on the necklace begins to glow in a bright green colour, the glow is faint and brightening as we move closer to the noise coming from nearby.
"We have to get away from her..." Jeremy says before he notices the emerald glow from my necklace.
Matt and Bonnie turn to see my necklace, as I turn myself to face the other direction the glow intensifies.
"This way." I order.
The further and further I go to the sound that grows and grows the glow continues to get brighter, until it is as bright as daylight and the noise that I was hearing is revealed: the numbers of undead creatures and the sight of Caroline, Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah being tortured burns into my sight.
"No!!" I scream loudly.
I race towards them as I see Elijah being stabbed with a stake deep into his back, when I am standing over Elijah's unconscious but still breathing body a hand touches me from behind: Amara.
"Hello, Elena."
Her appearance shocks me, her grip tightens on my arm as she begins to pull me away.
The glow magnifies, a burst of energy emanates from the charm and spreads across the area, as it crosses the revived figures in the distance they turn to ash until there is nothing.

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