Chapter 10: The Dance

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Elena's P.O.V
I'm ready. I am dressed in a sparkly blue ball gown, along with it is a small box that Elijah left for me, inside I see the silver locket that Stefan once gave to me; it belonged to the Original Witch, Rebekah wouldn't be happy to see me wearing it but Elijah obviously wants me to, I smile happily and put the necklace around my neck as I look at myself in the mirror with it on one more time.

My hair is in curls and moved to behind my right shoulder, I am wearing mascara,and bright red lipstick.

Memories begin flooding my mind; the times that I went to dances with Stefan and Damon, this is the first one that I'll be going to without them but I'm happy because I know that Elijah will be there and I'll see him again, I like to think that Stefan and Damon would be happy for me, I wish they were here for me right now.

"Need help getting zipped up?" I hear Jeremy say from behind.

I turn and face him in a suit, but without a tie or a blazer, he looks smart and I can't take my eyes off him.

"Yes thank you." I tell him.

Jeremy steps forward and pulls the zip up for me and I'm at last finished preparing for the dance.

"Where's Elijah?" I ask Jeremy.

"He's at the dance waiting for you, Bonnie and I'll drive you there." Jeremy replies.

"I can hardly wait." I say with a feeling of excitement growing inside me.

After Jeremy has left I take ten minutes making sure that I've forgotten nothing and grab the key to the house, I make my way to the front door and see Jeremy and Bonnie waiting in the car outside, I lock up and turn to head towards the car, I place my hand on top as my stomach; it's just hunger I tell myself, I forget about it and focus on the journey towards Whitmore, I get into the car as Bonnie is in a purple dress and her hair is in curls, she looks amazing.

"You look beautiful, Bonnie." I tell her.

"Thank you. Are you sure that you're up for this?" she asks.

"Absolutely." I say.

Jeremy gets into the car; he's wearing a blazer and a long black tie, he looks handsome and I'm glad that he's got Bonnie to go with him.

"Let's get going shall we?" Jeremy asks.

I nod happily as Jeremy starts the car and we begin driving off down the long road of Mystic Falls.
Elijah's P.O.V
The room is decorated with long red ribbons strewn across the banisters and glasses of champagne set up on top of the tables, it reminds me of the many parties that I've been to over the last one thousand years with my brother Niklaus and my sister Rebekah.

"Enjoying the party brother." Klaus says from behind me.

"Society has changed a lot for us over the last millennia, I have enjoyed watching it all, this immortal life has truly been extraordinary brother." I tell him.

"I'll take that as a yes then." He says.

I watch Rebekah make her entrance to the dance in a bright red dress and her hair tied up.

"You didn't forget about me did you?" she asks us.

"Well given that you're here without us telling you little sister I'd have to say yes." Klaus says facetiously.

"I'm happy you could make it, Matt'll probably be here soon." I tell her.

Rebekah gives me a bright smile as she looks around admiring the decorations, colour and the people across the room.

"It's beautiful, so is Caroline coming then Nik?" she says to Klaus.

"Of course, but she's not going to be alone, Elena will be here too."

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