Chapter 4: The newcomers

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Elena's P.O.V
"Here, let me help you." he says.

As he lifts me by my legs up into his arms and starts carrying me away to the edge of the woods.

"My car it's just outside the woods, please take me to it."

"Shh, ok I'll drive."

He opens the passenger door and lays me down gently into the seat as he walks around and gets into the drivers seat, I hand him the keys and hold his hand firmly in a warm embrace as I say:

"Thank you for saving me, but who or what was that thing attacking me?"

"It was a vampire; a dead one."

"What?" I say puzzled.

"Klaus, Rebekah and I were attacked by a curse that was cast by some witch, with it she brought back dead immortal beings that had once been killed, if it's still happening then she must still be out there."

I feel shocked and afraid: how can this be? I feel like I'm having a panic attack as I say:

"No, she's dead. Jeremy used the Gilbert ring to come back after she kept straining herself with overusing her power..."

"Then I guess it's a good thing we came here."

"Who's we?" I say

"Klaus and Rebekah, their just a few miles from here, we came because we thought you'd been attacked like we had, so you've seen this wicked sorceress?"

"Yes, she hurt us all, turned me human and..." I stop myself, I can't bear to bring up Stefan and Damon.

"What?" says Elijah.

"It's nothing, just drive." I say.

"Ok, we'll meet up with Klaus and Rebekah and then I'll take you home."

The engine starts and I fall asleep as we begin setting off.

"Elena, wake up." Elijah says nudging me.

I wake up and see two more cars out in front of mine. As I get out I see two others step out of the cars and close the doors; Klaus and Rebekah.

"Well, I can see that Elijah got to you ok." Rebekah instigates.

"So, what have we missed?" Klaus asks.

"Well, they were attacked by the witch who cast the curse and tortured us and resurrected the undead." says Elijah.

Klaus and Rebekah look at each other seriously and look back at me, I begin thinking that now may be the time that we all go to Jeremy's birthday and explain what's happening: no we can't do this, not a Jeremy's birthday.

"Why don't we take you back home Elena and talk with your friends?" Klaus says.

"No. It's Jeremy's birthday and until now they all thought that it was over, I don't think they want to hear this stuff right now."

"She's right." Elijah retorts.

Klaus and Rebekah look at us with disagreement until Elijah inches closer to them and urges them to agree. Eventually Klaus and Rebekah nod and get back into their cars. At the same time I walk towards my car door, only to have my hand touched by Elijah's:

"I'll drive you home Elena, you're exhausted you're in no position to drive tonight."

The request strikes me as eerie, but how can I say no? Elijah saved me it's the least I can do to thank him.

"Thank you." I reply happily.

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