Chapter 27: Elena and Elijah

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Elena's P.O.V
There he is. Standing in between two trees, watching me from afar. The closer I get to him the more nervous I feel, what does he want to ask me? Will I have a future with him? With the baby? Or will I ever lose him like Stefan and Damon?
Just a few feet apart I am speechless, unhinged and don't know what to do from here on out.
"You came." Elijah insinuates.
I nod and look at him as though I've been scolded and disappointed for doing something wrong.
"What was it you wanted to ask me?"
Elijah speeds in front of me, I take his hand and he smiles at me with awe.
"Elena, you have to know the truth about Tatia."
I look at him puzzled, what truth?
"I was the one that killed her."
"After I became a vampire I couldn't control my hunger, I fed on her until she died. My mother took her body and I buried the torment deep inside and she had me believe that it was her that killed Tatia."
"So, that's why you were afraid that you'd hurt me."
"Yes. But I haven't, and I never will."
"I know you won't."
He hugs me tight, I do the same to him and the wind begins to blow strong; it's my powers, with him I feel like I can do anything with them; perhaps he is the one.
"You have power now, don't you?" Elijah asks when are lips are parted only a little; our faces still quite tightly packed.
To answer his question I turn and raise my arms, the leaves begin to levitate and swirl in a large circle. Elijah's hand strokes my hair, moving it back and I am focused only on him.
"Look, Stefan and Damon will probably be looking for me soon, I don't want to make anything seem weird I..."
"It doesn't matter. Elena, you are the only woman that I love, you are the one and that's all that matters."
After hearing what he's said I share another kiss with him and I know that my world has changed and I am happy.
Stefan and Damon's P.O.V
"Where's Elena?" We both ask.
Matt, Bonnie and Jeremy all look at each other blankly and then back at us:
"Elena's happy, she's left town and she's not coming back for a while." Bonnie explains.
We both look at them in disbelief, Elena would never leave without telling us.
"Look, Elena wanted you to have this." Jeremy says handing an envelope to us.
We open it and discover a letter with the picture of us and Elena on our last together before we died.
The letter reads:
"Dear Stefan and Damon
Being in love with you has been by far the most extraordinary part of my life and I haven't regretted a moment of it.
The only thing that has pained me is all of the dangers that we've been put through and I want to get away from all of that but I couldn't leave you both and because of that I have blamed myself for your untimely demise.
Until recently I didn't think that I'd ever get over the two of you. Now I'm with Elijah, I am happy again, but no matter what you'll both always be the best part of my life.
Please be happy for me and let me move on with my new life with Elijah and just know that this won't be forever, I'll see you again someday.
Just know that I still care for you both dearly.
Until then, Elena."
"She's gone." Damon says with a shock on his face.
"She's happy." Stefan tells Damon, but he is also shocked.
Matt pats Stefan on the shoulder, Jeremy does the same with Damon and Damon storms off.
"Stefan, you have always respected what Elena chose, don't let her down."
Stefan nods but looks down at the floor.
"Elena was and she will always be an epic love."
"Damon doesn't understand that." Jeremy replies.
"He just needs some time, he'll come round."
"He's gonna have to, especially when Elena gets back in about eight or nine months."
"What do you mean?" I ask puzzled.
"Bonnie?!" Jeremy says a little loud.
Bonnie cups her hands across her mouth.
"I'm sorry." she says panicking.
"Elena's pregnant." Matt replies.
I am devastated; she never told us?!
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, she tested positive and we found out." Bonnie explains.
"And it's Elijah's?"
"Yeah, Elena said so herself." Matt says.
"That's also why she left." Jeremy says after Matt.
"You okay Stefan?" Bonnie asks.
I feel broken inside but hide it as I say:
"Yeah, they're having a baby, congratulations to them." I say with my voice breaking a little.
Jeremy and Matt walk off to look for Damon, Bonnie stays with me and looks at me questioningly.

" I know how you feel, but Elena's happy, doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"Of course, it's just the pregnancy is a real bomb shell and Damon shouldn't know about this, at least not yet."

"Thank you." Bonnie replies.

As Bonnie walks off I pick up my phone and call Elena's number.

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