Chapter 5: The night in

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Elena's P.O.V
We arrive at the Salvatore boarding house (Stefan and Damon's home) the door swings open fast as Jeremy and Bonnie rush outside as Caroline swooshes towards me at vampire speed, I get out of the car as Caroline stands right before me as she says:
"Elena where have you been we've, been worried..." Caroline turns speechless at the sight of Elijah stepping out of the car. "What's Elijah doing with you?" she asks.
"I was attacked in the woods, Elijah came to my aid and brought me home."
Bonnie and Jeremy stop in front of me, they both stare at Elijah, Bonnie reaches her arm around my back to guide me towards the boarding house, I follow her onwards. Before I step inside I turn my head to look back at Elijah, who looks back at me while Caroline and Jeremy are speaking to him.
"Elena!" Matt yells. I am comforted by Matts arms as they wrap around me to form a hug. Tyler moves towards me with a look of concern and incredulous relief on his face:
"We were all about to come out and look for you." he says.
"I'm fine." I reply. "I was out in the woods for a while, until I was attacked by a vampire who Elijah said was resurrected to kill."
"Elijah?" Matt and Tyler say at the same time. I nod in agreement;
"He saved me and drove me back." I explain. "He's outside just now with Jeremy and Caroline." Bonnie replies.
The floor creaks behind us as Jeremy and Caroline step through the door, Elijah struggles to enter as it makes me realise that he has to be invited in; after Stefan and Damon died Jeremy and I signed our names on the deeds to the house; only me or Jeremy can let him in, but Jeremy obviously doesn't trust him. I make my way to the door as Jeremy steps in front of me with a look of indignation on his face;
"Don't invite him inside Elena, how can you trust him?"
"Jeremy he saved me and like us he and his family were attacked by that witch who cast that curse on us, he's here to help us."
Jeremy exhales and moves out of the way. As I stand between Elijah and the entrance to the house, before I can invite him inside he moves his head to the side, gesturing to me to come out as he walks away, I follow him gladly.
Elijah and I step towards my car, he stops right in front of it and turns to face me;
"Stefan and Damon are dead aren't they Elena?"
My pupils dilate, my mouth opens in shock, how does he know? I look down racking my brain for how to respond:
"Yes. The curse took their lives from me and until now I've never really spoken of them."
"I'm so sorry Elena, I only hope that you can still find happiness when this is all over."
Elijah's words help console me, I smile at him;
"Thank you." I reply with tears beginning to stream lightly down my cheeks.
Elijah steps towards me and brushed my cheek softly, wiping away the tears, I breathe in gently to calm myself as Elijah inches closer to me and our eyes meet, everything is quiet around us as I just stand gazing into Elijah's hazel brown eyes, until I hear Caroline calling at me from the door.
"I should go back inside, it's Jeremy's birthday, I can't miss it." I say.
"Of course, I understand, I'll see you again soon." Elijah replies as he walks away.
I run back inside the house and close the door behind me. Inside Bonnie, Jeremy, Matt and Tyler gather up drinking glasses to make room on the table.
"Come on Elena, let's go get the cake." Caroline tells me.
As Caroline and I carry the cake through and we all begin singing happy birthday to Jeremy I look outside the window to see that Elijah really has gone, but I can't let that spoil the party.
After Jeremy blows out his candles Bonnie begins cutting up slices for us all. The cake taste delicious; a special chocolate cake that me, Bonnie and Caroline had baked together, like how we used to when we were young and on our birthdays, the memories greet me graciously as the night ways on and we all enjoy the night as though it is like the ordinary nights we used to have before everything changed, and how they continue to change with everything that's about to happen in due time.

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