Chapter 1

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(Warning: Anxiety attack.)
Virgil made his way down the dark road, clutching a small bouquet of violet flowers close to his chest. His anxiety was through the roof. Everywhere he looked was either a group of people he was sure would judge him or an empty space of the dark unknown that he edged away from.
Why did Halloween have to be such a big deal for everyone? If only there weren't so many people, he would be more at ease. Though he pushed the thought to the back of his mind as he began to enter through the large black gate of the city's cemetery. Passing by dozens of grave stones, Virgil took a deep breath to steady his nerves.
Stopping at a small grave to his left, he sat down and placed the bouquet on the ground in front of him. Looking up, he read the stone plaque for what he felt was like the millionth time. "Here lies Alice Storm- a friend, lover, and a mother. May she be forever remembered as a kind and caring soul."
Tears began to form in Virgil's eyes, which he quickly wiped away with the sleeve of his black and purple hoodie, not caring about smudging his black eye shadow under his eyes.
"No crying. You can't be a fucking baby every time you come here." He thought to himself, but tears once more began to well up. Unable to stop them, Virgil gave in and began to sob quietly, cupping his hands over his face. "Sorry, Mom. I couldn't do it. I miss you. Why did you have to leave me here?"
Suddenly a chill ran up his back, making him sit up straight. Looking around, he found a slight fog had begun to roll in while he had been crying. Virgil sighed and stood, wiping away the remaining tears on his face.
"Bye, mom. I have to go home now, but I'll make sure to come back soon." He said, trying to put on a weak smile as he looked at the grave stone.
Another shiver ran down his spine. Virgil bagan to sense he was being watched. Looking around frantically, he could see shadowy figures in the fog.
"I've been talking to a grave. Whoever is here will probably think I'm insane. I better go home quickly." Turning around toward the entrance, he immediately bumped into a large figure, forcing him to fall to the ground and landing on his butt.
"Thomas, be careful where you stand. He can't see as well as us right now." A stern voice said in the distance.
"Sorry, Logan." The figure, named Thomas, in front of Virgil said.
"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to him." Logan said. Suddenly a slight shuffling noise can be heard from Virgil's left, making Virgil jump slightly.
"Ouchie, my arm got caught on something....Oh never mind I got it." a cheery voice said.
"Ah- I'm still on the floor." Virgil realized.
Quickly standing up and dusting himself off, he looked around himself. The shadowy figures were a lot closer to him than before. Counting them, there were 4, one on each side of him.
"W-Who are you people?" He asked nervously and in a whisper.
"Why, we are here to be your saviors. Your heroes, if you will. I am Roman and I'm a Vampire. You should be happy to be blessed with such beauty such as mine." The shadowy figure said in a booming voice from behind Virgil.
"I'm Logan, a ghost. Please ignore the moron behind you. His idiocy is contagious."
"Hey!" Roman yelled. Virgil tried to hide a small smile from appearing on his face.
"Now, Now. No fighting, kiddos." The voice to Virgil's left said. "I'm Patton, a zombie. Nice to meet ya." He said in an enthusiastic voice.
"I'm Thomas, the werewolf. What's your name?" This caught Virgil off guard.
"M-My name's...Virgil." He said, looking at the ground and playing with his hoodie sleeves.
"Well, Virgil, I'm quite amazed at how calm you are. Despite knowing what we are, you have yet to try to run away or scream." Logan commented.
"What do you mean? You're talking about your Halloween costumes, aren't you?" Virgil asked, making a heavy silence fill the air around them.
"N-No, kiddo." Patton said, breaking the silence. "We aren't wearing Halloween costumes. We are really monsters."
"You're joking, right?" Vigil said skeptically.
"Roman, you have the light, right? Maybe that will help a bit." Thomas suggested.
"Ah- Yes." Roman said, taking out a large flashlight and shining it brightly onto himself. "Behold my beauty~."
Roman had brown hair that was dyed red at the tip. He wore a prince like outfit with a red sash across his chest. Roman was much taller than Virgil, making him shrink down slightly in his hoodie.
"Oh! My turn, My turn!" Patton yelled. Roman shines the light onto him, revealing a pale man with shred clothing and messy hazel hair. Scars and stitches could be seen across his face from under his glasses. Patton smiles brightly, making a small smile appear on Virgil's face despite his growing nervousness.
"And now Thomas." Roman said, moving the light away from Patton and onto Thomas. Thomas had messy brown hair and fur all along his face and limbs. He wore a torn red t-shirt with torn jeans. A long fluffy brown tail can be seen swishing back and forth behind his legs. Virgil felt his uneasiness grow even more.
"I believe it's my turn now, Roman." Logan said. Roman rolled his eyes and shined the light onto Logan. Virgil felt his cheeks heat up slightly upon seeing the extremely pale man with glasses. His hair was neatly parted to the side and he wore a black button up with a striped blue tie. His entire body was transparent and had a deep blue aura around him.
"Wait. He-He's really....a ghost? If that's the case..." Virgil looked back at the other three around him. His breath began to quicken and his chest tightened. Squatting down, he placed his hands over his head. The monsters took notice and stepped back to give him space, all except Patton who took a step forward.
"There, there kiddo. Try to calm down. Come, breath with me." Patton said, beginning to breathe at a steady pace and moving his hand up and down as he did. Slowly, Virgil began to relax.
"Thanks...Patton." Virgil said, managing to remember the zombie's name. Patton smiled and helped him stand up.
"Sorry about that. I know anxiety attacks aren't exactly fun to watch." Virgil said softly to the three who watched. They all smiled in response, comforting Virgil.
"I'm going home. I-It was nice to meet you guys."
"It was nice to meet you to, Virgil." They all said in unison as Virgil began to walk toward the cemetery exit.
Time skip
Waking up the next morning, Virgil felt a heavy weight on top of him. Looking down, he spotted a large brown blur from his eyes still adjusting from waking up. However, a snoring noise made him wake up immediately. Thomas was curled up in a ball on the covers Virgil was under.
"What's going on? Why is Thomas here?!?" He thought as he struggled to get out from under him, resulting in him falling to the floor.
"Ouch..." He groaned quietly as he stood. Looking back, Thomas was still sleeping, drooling slightly and snoring.
Walking outside his dark room, Virgil found Roman sleeping on the couch and Logan reading a book, floating the the air as he read. In the kitchen, Patton was rummaging through the cabinets and wearing a pair of light blue rubber gloves. Noticing Virgil's presence, Logan closed the book and landed his feet on the floor.
"Good morning, Virgil." He greeted, but Virgil was frozen in place. Only one thing was on his mind.
"Why are they here?"

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