Chapter 15

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Virgil's POV
What just happened? I flipped over on my bed, laying on my stomach.
Did Logan just kiss my forehead? I slowly my fingers on my forehead, feeling a lingering coldness on my skin. That is, before my face began to heat up.
There's no way that he did. No way...what did he say before he leave?...something...bane of his existence?
A small pain in my chest made me wince. Am I a burden or something to them? ...Probably...
They're monsters after all. They have powers and strength, but I...I'm just a human. I've caused them problems. All I ever do is cause then problems...Maybe I am the problem...
Something warm rolled down my face. I touched my cheeks to find it was wet. When did I start crying? Just great. You're pathetic, Virgil. A guy gives you a peck on the head and you start overthinking and crying. Absolutely pathetic.
I buried my face into my pillow, not knowing what else to do. Slowly, I cried myself to sleep.
Time Skip- Next morning.
I awoke to Roman shaking me roughly. Groaning, I pulled my blankets over my head.
"Wake up, Virgil. Wake up!" Roman chanted until I sat up and glared at him.
"What do you want, Roman?" I glanced at my alarm clock. "It's 3 in the morning, so unless you want me to murder you, this better be good."
"As if a human could kill a vampire." Roman rolled his eyes, a stupid grin on his face.
"What do you want, Roman?" I repeated, glaring at him.
"Oh, Right! Today is my 1345th birthday, so I wanted to celebrate it at this place." He explained, handing me a folded up brochure. Disneyland?
"It looks amazing! After you showed us how to use the laptop, I searched all the Disney movies and have watched almost all of them already. They were absolutely beautiful, even more beautiful than me, and that's saying something." Roman ranted.
I stared at the brochure. There is no way we have enough money for this. Even if they have jobs, its just been less than a week. Its just impossible.
"I can see the look on your face. You doubt my abilities. Allow me to prove you wrong." He said, pulling out a wad of cash and a small stack of tickets from as if out of nowhere. I stared at them wide-eyed.
"How did you make so much money in just a week?!?" I whisper yelled, not wanting the neighbors to hear.
"Well, I am apparently a great actor. A man named Remy signed me up for a whole bunch of TV shows and movies. I've been shooting this whole time and I got paid yesterday. They gave me the tickets as a bonus, so lets go spend all this!"
"Wait. Did you say...Remy?" I asked, dread filling every fiber of my being.
"As in the world famous Remy?"
"Yeah, why?"
"N-No reason. Anyway! Disneyland! Fun! I should get ready so we can go as soon as possible." I said as fast as I could, pushing the confused Roman out of my room and shutting the door.
"He's in!" I could hear Roman yell to the others from through the door.
Remy, huh?....Just Great. A tornado of hell is on its way.
I quickly got changed into fresh clothes and the most comfortable shoes I owned. Grabbing a medium empty black backpack from my closet, I walked out of the room.
"I'm so excited! We're going to Disneyland! I saw videos on your laptop and I can't wait!" Thomas practically screamed, jumping up and down beside me. I placed my hands on his shoulders and held him down until he stopped.
"Sorry, Thomas, but you need to chill a bit or you'll wake the neighbors." I warned. He nodded, smiling sheepishly. I lead him to the kitchen where the other three were already sitting at the table.
"Good morning, Kiddo! breakfast is ready. We have to hurry so we can catch the bus. Logan says there's going to be a lot of traffic, so we should leave as soon as possible." Patton said hurriedly, stuffing a forkful of pancake in his mouth.
"You're going to choke, Patton." Logan warned. I feel like there's something I'm forgetting something...Something to do with Logan?... I can't remember...
"Is something wrong, Virgil?" Thomas's voice broke me from my thoughts. I looked up from my pancakes to see everyone staring at me. I could feel my face heat up as I shook my head.
"N-No. I'm fine." I answered, watching them all hesitantly return to their meals and Logan to his book.
"Our ride is going to be here soon, so hurry up, guys." Roman announced as he placed his now empty plate in the sink.
"I thought we were taking the bus?" I asked.
"Nope! Seeing as I'm growing famous, I am going to need an escort. Remy said he'd drive us all there, so he's on his way here." Roman explained happily. As if on cue, there was a knock on the door, sending dread into my entire body. "Ah! That must be him!"
"W-Wait! Don't-!" I called out, standing up, but immediately losing my balance and falling flat on my face. Ignoring Patton and Thomas's worried questions, I scrabbled to my feet as fast as I could and frantically looked around. My eyes locked on the kitchen window.
"Screw it!" I grumbled, hearing Roman open the door from the next room. Running to the window, I opened it and hopped onto the counter. Ignoring the monsters' protests and attempts to pull me down, I stuck my legs through the window and readied myself for the fall.
However, I was too late. A great force pulled me by the hood of my hoodie and dragged my out of the window. DAMN IT!
"What don't you think you're doing?" A snake-like voice rang cheerfully from behind me as I dangled helplessly from my sweater. I sighed heavily. I knew it.
"Put me down, Des." I grumbled, crossing my arms. Des chuckled and released me, letting me fall heavily on the floor.
"Ow." I said bluntly, standing up. Thomas and Patton stared at the two of us in confusion. Logan stared at us with a blank expression.
"I take it you're happy to see me?" Des questioned, a grin on his face that showed sharp fanglike teeth.
"No Duh." I rolled my eyes before scanning the room. "Where's Remy?"
"He said he wasn't going to get something from the car." Des answered, his grin growing wider.
Suddenly, everything went dark. I froze out of pure panic. What's going on?
"Guess who?" A voice cooed from behind me, sending a wave of calmness and relief to wash over me.
"Remy!" I called out, taking his hands off my eyes. I smiled as I turned around to see Remy with his usual sunglasses and black t-shirt that said 'sleep' in big white letters. Hugging him, I could smell almost all the coffee in the world.
"How did you get in here?" I looked up at him, confused. I didn't even see him come in.
"Through the way you tried to escape through: The window." Remy answered. I looked toward the window and, sure enough, there was a Starbuck's cup sitting on the counter next to it. I still don't get how the hell he got in. We're on the second floor.
"How come I do get the same treatment as him?" Des whined. I glared up at him as I pulled away from the hug.
"Uhm. Sorry to interrupt, but what's going on?" Thomas asked awkwardly, gaining my attention. He and the other three were standing together and staring at me curiously. I should probably explain, I guess.
"These two are my twin uncles: Remy and Des."

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