Chapter 16

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Virgil's POV
"These two are my twin uncles: Remy and Des."
I watched as the four monsters each put on a face of understanding before replacing it with nervous smiles.
"Who are these babes, Virge?" Remy asked, taking a sip from his Starbucks coffee. Crap, how do I explain that I found a group of monsters in the cemetery and decided to let them live with me?
"T-They're my new roommates." Keep everything as vague as possible. "Logan, Roman, Patton and Thomas." I gestured my hand to each of them as I called out their names.
"I knew Roman already, but I didn't know he was living here with you." Remy stared at the four of them, his eyes absorbing every detail. After a few minutes, he smiled and took another sip. "You're all pretty handsome bitches, I'll give you that much."
"Thanks, I try." Roman commented, smiling brightly. I rolled my eyes at this, catching Des's eye in the process. He stared at me skeptically as he took a seat at the table.
"What are you hiding, Virgil?" Des's voice cut through me like a knife. Sweat began to run down the back of my neck.
"I'm not hiding anything." I denied, glaring at him as best I could manage.
"You do remember I'm like a walking lie detector, right?"
"How can I forget? Practically half of what you say is the opposite of what you mean." I crossed my arms in an effort to look intimidating, but only causing him to smile.
"Are you worried we'll find out they're monsters, babe?" Remy asked bluntly, stirring his coffee with the straw. The whole room froze. Did he just say...
"So he's right?" Des stared at me, not looking away.
"H-How did you know?" Patton's voice broke in shakily, gaining everyone's attention. The four of them, having been silent and still while Des interrogated me, were all staring in fright at Remy. Remy, on the other hand, merely pointed an index finger toward Thomas. Everyone turned their gazes to him.
Thomas stood frozen. Confusion and fear in his eyes. I dropped my eyes. Seeing him in fear brought a strong pain to my chest. However, looking down, I saw what it was. Thomas's tail was visible.
"Your tail." Patton whispered, staring at it in shock. This snapped Thomas out of shock. He quickly looked back at his tail and his eyes widened. Thomas, how could you not realize your tail was out?
"Wolf Person, zombie, vampire, and human?" Remy stated, pointing at each of them, going down their line. Logan smiles nervously at being called human. Now that I think of it, he's the most human looking of the four when they're in their normal forms.
Without warning, Des stood and swiped Remy's coffee cup. Oh god No. I immediately hid behind Thomas, already knowing what was about to unfold. Thomas looked at me in paralyzed fear.
"You've drank too little of this if you're thinking they're monsters, Rem." Des explained, tossing the cup into the trash across the kitchen. "There's no way monsters exist."
Crap, we're all dead.
I started pushing the four monsters beside me toward the living room, ignoring Roman's complaints and Patton's worried questions.
Loud crashes from behind us echoed through the apartment, silencing them.
Looking back, Remy was sitting on Des' back, pinning his arms behind him and pulling on one of his legs at a painful looking angle. As much as the sight would normally make me laugh, the look in Remy's eyes kept me from doing so. He needs more coffee or we're next.
Rummaging through the practically empty bag, I pulled out a small wad of cash I had saved. Tossing the bag on the couch, I ran toward the door.
"I'm gonna get him some more coffee from the Starbucks down the street. If either of them grabs a knife or starts to bite, run like hell." I warned to the others as I ran out the door.
"Wait! Take us with you!" Roman whined through the shut door.
3rd Person
As soon as Virgil left, everything went silent. Remy slowly got off Des and walked over to the living room, Des following close behind. However, none of them cowered as they previously did in Virgil's presence.
"How did you find him?" Remy questioned in a serious tone.
"How do you think? I followed my nose." Thomas tapped on the top of his nose twice as he spoke. "But how did you force my tail to come out without me knowing?"
"I don't think it's quite obvious, isn't it?" Des hissed. "We're not like you."
"Really? That's so cool! This is like one of those party gathering thingies humans have!" Patton cheered excitedly, jumping up and down.
"Calm down, love." Roman whispered, watching Patton slow to a stop with a sheepish smile on his face.
"I take it you're here for the same reasons we are?" Logan stepped forward, adjusting his glasses. Remy and Des glared at the four of them, not moving an inch.
"It's the opposite, babes. We've spent the last 16 years protecting him from what you bitches got planned." Remy announced, his voice distorted and shrill.
"Really? Cause it seems like he was trying to avoid you when I mentioned you were coming." Roman commented, pointing to the kitchen window.
"Wherever Remy goes, I'm not too far away. Virgil knows that, so he runs away. In case you haven't noticed, Virgil and I get along swell."
"If you're protecting brother Virgil, then you know what's going on in the realm?" Thomas asked in almost a whisper. Silence filled the room. Slowly, Remy walked toward Thomas and placed a hand on his head.
"Sleep." He whispered.
Thomas immediately collapsed, Roman catching him before he hit the floor.
"Hey! That was uncalled for!" Logan yelled, but froze as Des glared at him.
"Not another word out of you, four eyes." Des hissed. Logan covered his mouth with his hand and stepped back, terror in his eyes.
"Listen here, babes. Seeing as Virgil has taken a liking to you, we won't kill you and we'll let you keep living with Virgil. But! If you decide to involve him in what you're planning, I won't hesitate to put you bitches in hell and destroy the whole fucking realm while I'm at it. Is that clear?" Remy stood tall, glaring down at Roman, Patton and Logan. They all nodded their heads weakly.
Within a slit second, Remy returned to a slouching position and smiled at them warmly.
"Good." He and Des said simultaneously.
Without warning, the door swung open forcing everyone but Thomas to flinch.
Virgil had burst through the door carrying multiple cups of coffee in cardboard cup holders. His hair was dripping wet, makeup was running, and he took in shaky breaths.
"Remy!!" He managed to gasp out, holding out the cups. "Don't...kill us."
"Aww. Thanks, babe, but you shouldn't have. I had more in the car." Remy smiled nervously as Virgil glared at him and Des with all his might.
"Then take these before I murder you." He warned. Remy and Des immediately took the trays of coffee out of Virgil's hands.

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