Chapter 7

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No one's POV
Waking up the next morning, Virgil groaned as he felt pain pounding in waves in his skull as the alarm rang and all over his body. Sitting up, he lifted his shirt half way to see the damage. Three large bruises remained from the previous day, the one dead center of his stomach being much darker than the other two.
He sighed, wincing from the pain, before standing up.
"Time to get today over with. Though, I don't remember much from yesterday. Those jerks must have hit me harder than I thought." Virgil rubbed the back of his head at the thought.
After getting changed and applying make up, he stepped out of his room to find Roman and Thomas asleep on the couch as usual and Patton nowhere in sight. Looking through the kitchen, Virgil found a plate of Toast and egg with bacon on the side on the table, still warm. Beside the plate was a note.
"Hey kiddo, I'm sorry I can't be here to greet you this morning. Also, I'm sorry I didn't tell you this earlier, but I got a job at the nearby daycare center! I'm so excited I left a bit early. Oh, and Logan mentioned he was off on another Ghost Meeting today. Just letting you know. Well, I'm off! Wish me luck!
Ps. Don't worry too much. I know not to tell people I'm a zombie. I know you get a little anxious about this when we go out. Love you, kiddo." Virgil smiled weakly at the after note before sitting down to eat.
Before leaving for school, Virgil places a blanket over Thomas, who was sprawled across the floor from having been kicked off by Roman. He couldn't help but have a slight soft spot for the little werewolf, though he couldn't tell why. They hardly knew each other, yet he felt like it was his job to protect Thomas. He shrugged as he made his way out the door, ready to take on a new day of hell.
Logan's POV
I cautiously followed Virgil down the road to a bus stop at the corner, who was completely unaware of my presence...hopefully. Virgil put his hood up as I spotted a yellow and black school bus come into sight. I stuck close to Virgil, constantly checking myself to be sure I was truly invisible. Looking beside me, I couldn't help but stare into Virgil's deep violet eyes that looked out the window as the bus moved ahead.
"What is he thinking about?" I wondered.
He tensed up as the bus arrived at the school's entrance way. "Why?"
Virgil walked close to the wall in the hallway, trying to avoid the crowded areas. I followed, though I simply walked through everyone in my way. Chills ran up each of their spines, making my chest tighten slightly, but I quickly returned my focus at the task at hand. "Why was Virgil so anxious? My anger yesterday would most definitely not have been enough to push him over the edge. There must be an explanation."
Suddenly, a large boy in a football jersey walked up to Virgil and pushed him to the lockers beside him. I sensed Virgil tense up and start to tremble.
"Guess what? Today we have a game. You know what that means, right? Double or half the pain depending on if we win or not." The boy told Virgil, who seemed to shake at the knees. "He's being bullied..." I felt a horrible pain in my chest seeing Virgil like this. The boy took Virgil's backpack off of him and threw it down the hall, almost hitting a group of girls.
"Fetch your bag, bitch." He said as he laughed his way down the hall. Virgil slowly walked to his black backpack and picked it up, a miserable look on his face.
The pain in my chest immediately evolved into unstoppable rage. I quickly followed the jersey wearing boy, hardly containing myself. He walked into the restroom with a door covered in 'keep out' tape. Entering, I found him on the floor laughing uncontrollably. He needs to pay.
With the swish of my hand, he was floating and being pinned against the wall. His laughter stopped. Letting myself be seen, I watched as his eyes showed immeasurable horror. I didn't need to look to know that the blue aura around me was like fire at this point.
"You have hurt my dear friend, haven't you?" I asked, hearing my voice echo in the empty bathroom.
"Wh-Wh-What are you talking about?!?" He asked. He's playing dumb. I pinned him to the wall with more force, making a crater begin to form behind him.
"Virgil. You've been hurting Virgil."
"No! Ah-Why would I ever hurt him?" Liar.
"Don't insult my intelligence by lying to my face." He went silent, fear taking him over. "Don't you ever touch, talk, hell, Don't even look at Virgil ever again!" I yelled. He nodded, seeming to be at a loss for words, before I dropped him to the floor and returned to be invisible.
Returning to Virgil's side, I felt quite satisfactory with my actions. "Virgil's safe now." The thought seemed to lessen the pain in my chest slightly. I wonder why? I shrug it off as I continue to follow Virgil around his classes.
In one of the classes, I looked down at Virgil's notebook to find he had been doodling. A ghost with glasses was at the top corner of his page reading a book. A bat was surrounded by musical notes at the bottom along side a cinnamon roll with glasses. At the center of the page was a puppy curled up and sleeping. Currently, Virgil was drawing a small thunder cloud close to the ghost. I couldn't help but chuckle, though I tried to be as quiet as possible.
When the bell signaled the end of his class, Virgil stood and headed for the door quickly. On to the next class~
Virgil's POV
Sitting in the back of my physics class, I  got super bored. Before I knew it, I was doodling my newly found roommates in the margin of my notebook. While I was drawing a thunder cloud next to the ghost, I heard a small laugh from above me. What? There's no way...could it be?
As soon as the bell rang, I quickly left the classroom and speed walked down the hall. I heard people shivering as I passed by them. So it is true.
Turning the corner to an empty hallway, I spun on my heel as quickly as I could manage.
"Boo!" I yelled to where I assumed Logan must have been. I watched as Logan's image flickered in front of me, a look of great surprise on his face before he disappeared once again. I couldn't help but grin as I saw his face.
"I knew it. What are you doing here, Logan?" I asked, my smile disappearing. Logan made himself reappear and solidified. A small sheepish smile was on his face.
" weren't yourself yesterday, so I decided to help you out with your bullying situation." He admitted.
I froze.
"You...did?" I managed to say, though barely in a whisper.
"Yes. He won't be bothering you anymore, so there no need to-" Before Logan could stop talking, I felt myself hug him without thinking, forcing him to stumble back a bit.
"...worry." He finishes what he was saying as he awkwardly hugged me back.
"Thank you." I thought, but couldn't bring myself to say out loud. My chest was overflowing with happiness and I felt safe in Logan's arms. Nothing could ruin this.

(WoooHooo! I finished it! Sorry it took so long. Schools really annoying and got in the way. Welp. See ya laterz!)

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