Chapter 2

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"What's going on? Why is everyone here?" Virgil managed to say, though shock was still evident in him. Logan smiled at him slightly guiltily.
"Well..." He began, but was quickly cut off by a loud shriek that awoke Roman and Thomas in the bedroom. Roman fell off the couch and landed on the ground, while Thomas immediately ran out the bedroom door in an attempt to figure out what happened. The result: Thomas bumped into Virgil and they both fell face first to the ground.
Virgil glared at Logan who was struggling to stifle a laugh. Roman sat up, looking around confused at the situation. Another shriek brought them back to the situation at hand.
"CREEPY CRAWLY DEATH DEALER! CREEPY CRAWLY DEATH DEALER!" Patton yelled, running into the living room and tackle hugged Roman.
Logan sighed and raised his arms up to chest level. Suddenly everyone began to float in the air. Virgil flailed around slightly while everyone else smiled and allowed it to happen. Soon enough, everyone was back on their feet, standing upright. However, Patton still clung to Roman.
Thomas began walking into the kitchen, Logan and Virgil following behind. On the small wooden table stood a large black spider with red stripes on its legs.
"A spi-" Virgil began but was instantly stopped by Thomas placing his hand on Virgil's mouth. Logan bent down slightly and whispered into Virgil's ear. "Don't say the S word. Patton is going to go into a state of panic." Virgil nodded to show his understanding before Thomas released him.
Virgil sighed and picked up a purple rubber glove and put it on his left hand. After picking up the spider with the gloved hand, Virgil opened the kitchen window and threw it far into the distance.
As he took off the glove, Virgil looked up to find a stunned Logan and Thomas.
"What?" He asked. Logan cleared his throat and looked away, blushing slightly. Thomas looked down slight disappointment in his face.
"I usually eat the spiders Patton comes across." Thomas mumbled, forcing guilt to enter Virgil.
"I-I'm sorry." He said timidly. Just then, Thomas burst out laughing.
"It's fine. I just felt bad for the thing. I didn't think you'd chuck it out the window." He managed to say between his laughs. Virgil felt a smile pull on his mouth and he immediately hid it behind his hand. Looking over, he found Logan doing the same.
Going back to the living room, Virgil stopped and looked at the four before him, all of them staring back.
"Um. Now that that's settled, would you guys mind explaining what you're doing here." He asked nervously. "Ah- notthatIdontmindyouguysbeeinghere. Youseemlikenicepeopleandall, butIdidn'texpectyoutobeinmyhouse." Vigil said all at once, gasping for air when he finished.
"Fuck, that was bad. They'll think I'm totally rude." He thought.
Patton gave Virgil a comforting smile.
"We're your friends now, so we decided to live with you so you won't be all alone." Roman said, the other three nodding in agreement. Virgil froze.
"Y-You're going with me?" He managed to say in a shaky whisper. They all nodded once more.
"This must be a dream. I'm going crazy. This can't be real. Four monsters suddenly decided to be my friends, then decided to move in with me. Yup, I'm going insane." Virgil thought, placing a hand on his head.
"I have a head ache." He groaned and moved toward the couch, plopping face first onto it.
The four monsters all stood in a line beside him, waiting for him to give them attention once more.After a few minutes, Virgil sat up and sighed.
"Fine, you can stay with me." He said, blushing lightly, making the four smile. "There's just one big problem." The four wiped the smiles off their faces.
"I live in a one bedroom apartment and there is five of it looks like we'll have to move." They all lit up once more, Patton even hugging Virgil from how excited he was.
Suddenly an alarm went off from Virgil's room, making them all flinch. Virgil immediately pried himself out of Patton's grip and stumbled his way to the room.
"Crap! I'm going to be late!" He yelled, shutting the door behind himself and locking it.
"Language!" Patton exclaimed from the living room. Virgil rolled his eyes as he changed his clothes and gathered a small stack of papers, shoving them into a black backpack. After putting on his black and purple hoodie and applying black eyeshadow under his eyes, he slung the backpack on his shoulder and hurriedly exited the room.
"I've got to go to school now, so let's talk more about this later! See ya!" He yelled as he ran out the door and closed it behind him. The four monsters looked at each other in confusion.
"School?" They said in unison.

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