Chapter 12

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Virgil's POV
Waking up the next morning, I groaned as I sat up. The pain from my injuries had dulled slightly thanks to Logan's medical treatment, but it wasn't completely gone. Well this is going to suck...
"Heya kiddos! Time for breakfast!" Patton called out.
Walking to the kitchen, I found Thomas tied up and floating upside down by the living room ceiling. ....uh...What happened?... I quickly pretended not to have seen him, but his eyes pleading for help made that difficult.
"Uhm. Why is Thomas tied up and floating like that?" I asked them as I walked into the kitchen.
"That was our doing." Logan said, not looking up from his book.
"Okay, but I asked Why." I retorted, mildly annoyed by Logan's vague response.
"Thomas was being a we had to teach him a lesson." Roman admitted, a grim tone in his voice. "Don't worry, though. The worst we did to him was feed him chili peppers. We aren't evil."
Poor poor Thomas. Looks like you screwed up big time. Well, nothing I can do for you now.
I take my place at the table and watch as Patton finishes up cooking.
"Thanks! I'm starving!" Roman exclaims dramatically as Patton places played of food on the table.
"Nice to meet you, Starving. I'm Patton." He responds, smiling brightly.
I couldn't help but let out a small giggle. That was actually kinda funny. I quickly hide my laughter behind my hand. Logan and Roman had confused expressions on their faces. Do they not get the joke?
"What part of that was humorous?" Logan asked. Yup they don't get it.
"It's something called a dad joke." I explained. Patton nodded and went to the counter, picking up a large thick book. Revealing the cover, he smiled brightly. 1000 best dad jokes and puns, huh? Well, whatever works for you.
"I see..." Logan says quietly, returning to his own book. Roman was already digging in to his food. I could hear small whimpering in the distance.
Slowly, the whimpering turned into a whirring sound. Looking back toward Thomas, I froze.
Thomas was spinning and flying around in circles around the living room. Turning to Logan, I noticed he was moving his finger in a circular motion while still reading his book. Is it just me...or does he have a bit too much power?... Well, whatever.
"Oh, I almost forgot." Patton exclaimed as I took a bite of bacon. "I have work today, kiddo, so I won't be able to go with you all to check out the new place."
"I'm afraid I'm working too." Roman said before I could react. "It must be such a shame for you. You wont be able to see my beauty for at least half the day."
"Well, have a good day at work, Patton." I say, brushing off Roman's comments.
"Thanks kiddo."
"Don't ignore me, Hot Topic!" He whined.
"I have work today, too!" Thomas yelled from the living room, though his voice was distorted from his spinning.
"So does this mean I'm going all by myself?" I ask, nervousness creeping into me. What if I mess up? What if I end up agreeing too early and they don't like it there? Crap, what if I say something wrong and they refuse to let us live there? I tried not to let my face show my worry as best I could.
"I'm free today, so I can accompany you to the new apartment." Logan's voice rings in my ears, making me jump. Ah- He was so quiet, I almost forgot he was here.
"Alright, just let me get ready and we'll be on our way." I respond, making my way to my room.
Time Skip
"Here is the apartment I wanted to show you." The realtor announced as he opened the door.
Walking in, I looked all around myself. It's really dusty and kinda dark in here. Looks like a house in horror movies...I like it. I smiled slightly as I followed the realtor around, though he seemed to flinch at any little movement. Why's this dude so jumpy?
"S-So, do you like it?" He asked, standing in the middle of what I assume is the living room.
"It will need some remodeling, but it seems to be quite a livable space." Logan stated, gesturing at the small crack on the tile floor.
"Also, we need to discuss plumbing, electrical, and air conditioning issues and updates. Will these be provided or not? Also, does this building allow pets? Are there any regulations we will need to follow?" Logan ranted, overflowing the poor man with a million questions. ...Poor guy.oh well. Seems like Logan's got the questioning taken care of. Glad I brought him or I would have completely forgotten.
As I began to space out into my thoughts as the spoke, something seemed to move in the corner of my eye. Something shadow-like. I restrained myself from flinching, not wanting to bring attention to myself.
I slowly begin to walk in the direction of the shadow, pretending to look around. Why am I even sneaking around? It's just Logan and... Crap, I forgot his name...
I stood there, trying to recall the realtor's name. Without warning, a large black and yellow snake slithered past my feet. My blood went cold and I froze. A...snake...
Before I could even think, I made my way toward Logan. Grabbing his arm, I clung onto him with all my strength. My breathing was shaky and I could feel my whole body trembling.
"V-Virgil? What's wrong?" Logan asked softly. Ah- I'm being a nuisance. I should stop...but I wouldn't let go of his arm. Shaking my head, I willed myself to speak.
"Nothing....I'm fine." I managed to say, hoping my voice didn't break.
He gave me a worried look, but thankfully didn't press the issue. Turning back to the realtor, Logan returned to pressing questions onto him and demanding answers.
I began to try to steady my breathing. Squeezing Logan's arm slightly with each breathe seemed to help. Soon enough, I stopped shaking entirely.
Finally, I forced myself to look around the room for any sign of the creature, hoping not to see it again.
"One last question, Mack." I could hear Logan say. So it's Mack, huh? That saves me some trouble. Mack seemed to let out a received sigh, which made me giggle a little. Glad it's you and not me getting interrogated. Logan gave me a confused look before returning to Mack.
"According to what you've told me and what we've seen, this seems to be quite a pleasant place to live. However, I've been wondering: why is the rent is so cheap?" Mack's face fell at his question.
"W-W-Well..." He stuttered before his grim face turned to one of absolute horror. Wait...He's... not looking at us... My anxiety peaked as I slowly began to turn around. Whats he looking at?...Whats that?!?
Behind me and Logan were floating orbs of lights. Mack suddenly started running for the door. "The place is fucking haunted!!!" He yelled.
As soon as he slammed the door behind himself, hysterical laughter boomed throughout the room. The two orbs of light shined bright before transforming into two different forms. A tall figure with dark hair and a smaller one with blue hair. Both of their bodies were partially transparent.
They're ghosts.
Glancing at Logan, he had a smirk on his face. Butterflies fluttered in my chest at the sight. Wait, what?
"Oh, Hey Logan!" The blue haired ghost yelled, floating closer excitedly.
"Salutations Joan and Talyn. What are you doing here?" Logan greeted.
"Oh, you know, just scaring the crap out of some humans to pass the time." Joan responded, a big smile on their face.
Talyn was suddenly beside me, making me nearly jump.
"Is this...?" Talyn began, but seemed to stop suddenly. Is this what?
"This is Virgil." Logan introduced, using his free hand to gesture to me. I suddenly remember I've got a death grip on his arm. Feeling my face begin to heat up, I quickly let go.
"H-Hello." I said nervously, waving hello to the two new ghosts.
Joan and Talyn froze and gave each other a look, sending silent signals to the other. Within seconds, Talyn was wrapped around my shoulder, holding me in a tight hug.
"So you're Logan's new boyfriend. Thank you for watching over him for us!" Talyn and Joan said simultaneously.

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