Chapter 8

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Logan's POV
As Virgil and I made our way home, he seemed to be lost in thought. My curiosity quickly took control.
"What are you thinking about?" I asked, tilting my head slightly to try to catch his attention.
He seemed flustered by my sudden question and looked slightly paler than usual.
"W-Well, you said something earlier that's made my nerves skyrocket..." He admitted, though I could barely hear his low voice. What does he mean? Did I say something wrong?
"And what would that be?" I asked, trying not to pressure him too much.
"You said...that I wasn't my self yesterday...What did you mean by that?" He asked hesitantly. "Because, to be honest, I don't really remember much of yesterday evening..."
I could feel my heart sink slightly. So he doesn't remember...Maybe that's for the best. He was in a state of panic, after all...but that was my fault...I scared him...A heavy weight fell on my chest at the thought. I glanced over to him to find him staring at me. Ah- I'm taking too long to answer. He's getting anxious.
"Well, nothing significant happened last night. Roman just ruined some of my books and you went to bed early..." I answered, trying not to make anything to vague that he'd ask questions.
"I see...Thanks for telling me." He said quietly. I could feel relief wash over me, though the guilt still remained.
"Hey, Logan. I have a question..." Virgil asked timidly.
"Then I shall answer it to the best of my abilities."
Virgil's POV
Here goes nothing...
"What happens in your Ghost Meetings?" I managed to blurt out.
Logan seemed to tense up at the question. How does he do that if he's a ghost? Well... I guess one question at a time.
"Well, it's a bit of a long story, but to cut it short, I've never actually been to a ghost meeting before..." What? Does this mean he followed me yesterday too?!? No no no no no! He didn't see what that jerk did to me right? The last thing I need is for them to worry about me!
"Don't worry, Virgil. I didn't follow you yesterday to school. That was just today." He said as though he could read my thoughts.
"Then...Where were you yesterday?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.
He hesitated before answering. "I was at the library. I didn't want to have to bring the other I told Patton I was going to a meeting."
That's it? He just wanted some quiet time so he left? I couldn't resist the urge to laugh any longer. He smiled softly as we arrived at the front door.
Before I could even find my keys, the door swung open and a shirtless Thomas ran out the door. Upon seeing us, he lit up and tackle hugged me. I lost my balance and fell, the werewolf on top of me. This is starting to get annoying. Every time I come home, it's something crazy.
"Get off me Thomas. I'm dying here." I groaned as the bruises from yesterday stung from under Thomas. He quickly got off and gave me an apologetic smile.
"THOMAS! WHERE ARE YOU?" Roman's voice boomed as I got to my feet. Thomas quickly hid behind me right before Roman stormed out of the apartment. He was soaked from head to toe and covered with bubbles. I could hear Logan snicker from beside me, but Roman shut him down with a menacing glare.
"Thomas! You have to take a bath! Patton gave me orders to make you, so you are taking one wether you like it or not!" He yelled, starting to pry Thomas off of my back, but he wouldn't let go.
My bruises continued to sting with Thomas clinging to me. Logan must have noticed I was in pain because he suddenly levitated Thomas, forcing him to let go of me.
Placing him down in Roman's arms, Logan's blue aura grew and moved like flames. He glared at Thomas, sending a shiver down my spine. Scary. Just like yesterday...Wait. What about yesterday? I tried to reach back into my memory, but found nothing, leaving a bit of an uneasy feeling in my stomach.
"Go take a bath, Thomas." He said with his voice distorted and filled with anger. Thomas nodded, his face pale, and let Roman carry him to the bathroom.
As soon as they went back inside, I watched as Logan sighed, the blue aura dimming down to its original level.
Is he okay?
Logan's POV
I sighed as Roman and Thomas went into the apartment. Just great. I let my anger get the better of me again. Seeing Thomas clinging onto Virgil somehow gave me this feeling. Why, though?
I looked over to find Virgil staring at me. I must have scared him again...
"I'm sorry you had to see that." I quickly said, trying not to rush it. He shook his head.
"It's fine. Thanks for helping me get him off me." Virgil gave me a small smile. I could feel figurative butterflies in my chest. So cute...Wait what? Cute? W-When did I start to think this way?
"Ahh!! I'm going to be late for work!" Virgil suddenly yelled, bringing me out of my thoughts. He picked up his backpack that he dropped and ran into the apartment. Going inside, myself, I watched as he frantically ran around from the room to the kitchen and back.
"I'll see you guys later!" He yelled as he ran out the door. I couldn't help but smile at this. Watching him is quite amusing...but why is that? ...don't tell me...
(Sorry for the long delay. Work and school had me distracted, but I have a week long break, so let's see how many chapters I can write Shall We?)

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