Chapter 9

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Virgil's POV
As I was restocking supplies in the backroom of Hot Topic, I heard a beeping sound coming from my pocket. Taking out my phone, I could feel a weight lift off my shoulders. An email had appeared from one of the realtors I've found.
"I know just the place for you, Virgil. It's 3 bedrooms, three bath, and extremely cheap. Only 500 a month! Contact me on when you're free so you can check it out yourself." It read.
I could hardly contain my relief. This is awesome! Better reply before I forget, though. Wait, if I reply too fast, will that make us look desperate? What should I do? I stared at the screen unsure what to do, my breathing quickening. Crap, I'm overthinking things again. I better just reply before I have an attack.
"Thanks for letting me know. We're free Saturday to check out the place, if that's fine." I managed to type into the email. To my surprise, I got an instant response.
"That fits my schedule, so it's perfect! See you Saturday." It read. I sighed in relief. Now I don't have to listen to Roman and Thomas fight for the couch for much longer. I just hope the new place isn't too bad.
Putting the thought out of my head, I got back to work before anyone can catch me slacking off.
Time skip
Getting home, I immediately plopped myself onto the couch from exhaustion, ignoring Roman's complaints. I could hear Patton and Thomas in the kitchen. They're probably cooking dinner.
"I take it work was tedious today?" I heard Logan's voice say from above me. He must be on the ceiling again. I assumed, not wanting to move to check if I was right.
"Mhm." I responded. After a few minutes of burying my tiredness into the couch, I got up and made my way to take a shower.
As I showered, I could hear them all yelling over what to eat for dinner through the walls. They're always giving me a headache...but I guess they aren't to bad to have around... I blushed at the thought. I'm growing soft, aren't I?
I sighed as I finished and exited the bathroom, wearing baggy black PJs.
"Alright, everyone to the kitchen." I called out, watching everyone immediately go stand around the kitchen table. When did I become some sort of monster wrangler?
"Okay." I begin as I take a seat at the table. "Today I received notice that on Saturday, we will be going to check out a new apartment option."
Their faces lit up instantly, making a smile pull slightly at the corners of my mouth.
"This is great! That means we can have more space right?" Thomas questioned, excitement in his eyes.
"Of course! And this means that I'll have a real bed!" Roman said over enthusiastically. "No offense, Virgil, but a couch is not a fit sleeping area for someone as marvelous as me. Not to mention Thomas' constant kicking and...."
I tuned out Roman's complaints, scrolling through my phone for the realtor's email.
"The realtor said that it was a 3 bedroom, three bathroom apartment for only 500 dollars a month." I read aloud, still ignoring Roman's rant.
"Wow! That's amazing, kiddo!" Patton praised. "That would definitely fit all of us!" He gave a bright smile, which spread to Thomas. I couldn't resist giving a smile as well at this point.
"So when is this Saturday thing, anyways?" Roman asked, pouting at the fact we all ignored him.
"The day after tomorrow." Logan informed. I almost jumped at his sudden input. He was so quiet, I almost forgot he was here. Slight guilt entered my chest at the thought.
"Well, I'm going to bed." I said, standing up and heading to my room.
"Goodnight, kiddo." Patton called as I shut the door.
3rd Person
As Virgil fell into a deep sleep, the three monsters stayed seated at the table with a thick tension in the air.
"Hey, Don't you think the pricing is a little strange?" Thomas whispered.
"Yes. It's unbelievably cheap. Could it be possible for Them to be involved?" Roman questioned.
"It's doubtful, but it's still a possibility." Logan answered. "Remember, it hasn't even been a week since we found Virgil, so we shouldn't let our guards down."
"When are we going to tell him?" Patton asked in a low, sad voice. The others went silent. "I don't want to keep lying to him forever..."
"Neither do I. He's done so much for us and yet we..." Thomas trailed off, not wanting to finish his sentence.
"We can't tell Hot Topic yet. It's too risky and he can't be completely trusted yet." Roman said, looking away from the others who glared at him. Logan sighed.
"Unfortunately, I agree. We can't tell him yet." He whispered, forcing frowns to appear on Patton and Thomas's faces. "We'll just have to continue the lies..."

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