Chapter 19

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Virgil's POV
I was walking along a thin white thread, struggling to keep my balance on it, though at the same time, it felt like I was a professional at doing this. Everywhere I looked around me was pitch black. The only light came from the white thread.
"Where am I?" I wondered as I continued forward.
"Virgil!" Someone's voice echoed around me. I looked around frantically to find the owner of the voice. Far to my right stood Thomas with tears flowing down his cheeks.
"How could you?!" He yelled. "This is all your fault!"
"What's my fault? What did I do, Thomas? Please Tell Me!!!" I yelled back, his words and tears inflicting pain to my chest.
Thomas's entire presence began to fade as I reached out helplessly for him to come back. An ear splitting scream tore my eyes away from the fading Thomas. Looking to my left, opposite of Thomas, kneeled Patton. His hands covering his face and pulling his hair as he let out another high volumes shriek, tears dripping onto his lap. I covered my ears, his screams echoing even louder in my head and sending waves of pain to my chest.
Suddenly, the screaming stopped. Looking over, Patton began to fade away as Thomas had. I reached out to him and opened my mouth to speak. No words came out. No matter how hard I tried to scream his name...It just remained silent.
"You're a liar!!! I can't believe we Ever put our trust in you! Just did already!" Romans' voice roared from behind me. I turned to see him in the distance, red fury in his eyes.
"W-Why? I never lied to you. I never lied to any of you!" I called back, but no answer came. He quickly faded like the others while tears leaked out of my eyes.
"Virgil." Logan's voice whispered from ahead. Glancing over, he stood on the thread, staring at me with his glasses glinting in its dim light.
He looked up at me, the angle of his glasses revealing cold hate-filled eyes that froze me in place from walking.
"You disgust me." He said.
The thread snapped.
I began to free fall with a dagger to my heart.
Tears refused to stop flowing from me.
Everything turned into a blinding white.
Opening my eyes, I gasped for as much air as my lungs would allow but each breath felt like ice shards running down my throat. After the pain of breathing began to dull into almost nothing, I looked around myself.
I was in a small dark room that seemed completely empty. No windows and only a single door across from me. Trying to get up, I quickly realized my ankles were forced together with tape and my wrists were chained to a small metal hoop in the ground.
Where the hell am I?
I tried opening my mouth to yell, but found my mouth was taped shut.
Was I kidnapped?!?
I pulled on the chain on my arms, but I immediately regretted it. The chain dug into my skin, leaving the knot they made to get tighter. I groaned at the pain.
Without warning, the door swung open, creaking loudly. At the doorway stood an ogre of a man. Wearing a plain black t shirt, black jeans, black gloves, black beanie, black shoes and a black bandana that covered his face, he looked like a shadow. If I wasn't in this situation, I'd ask wear he bought his clothes.
My thoughts were silenced as he began to approach me. Finally nearing me, he reached down and pulled on my hair, lifting me up to face him slightly. I groaned from the pain, but quickly put on a brave face, glaring at him as best I could.
I can't show this fucker any weakness. He'll use it against me. That's the last thing I need.
"Quite the looker, aren't you? Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." I looked at him skeptically. "Yet." He added in. Of course.
"At least not until your uncles meet my demands." Knew it.
"However, if they don't cooperate soon, I might need a punching bag to keep me entertained. Any volunteers?" His face might've been covered by a bandana, but I could hear the smirk in his voice. Go ahead. It's not like I haven't gone through that before.'s not like I mean anything anyways...
"Man you're no fun." He whined, seeing my indifference to his threats or even the fact that he kidnapped me. The man let go of my hair, watching me fall quite painfully onto the cold hard ground. Ow.
After leaving, I sat up and leaned against the wall beside me, though it felt a little awkward due to my arms being chained to the floor. I wonder how long it's been since I was with them. Would they even care if I was gone? Crap! Stop thinking! You can't cry now over some stupid thoughts! You have to get out of here, idiot.
I frantically began looking around for any signs of escape, but I quickly found the room was useless.
Sighing heavily, I stared up at the cracked grey ceiling. I knew I should have just ignored Roman this morning.
Thomas's POV
It's been a while since Big Brother Virgil left. I hope he's alright.
I stared out the window in hopes of seeing him walking to where we sat. As if reading my mind, Patton spoke up.
"Hey, don't you guys think we should go check up on Virgil?"
"I was about to ask that myself." Logan announced, standing up with Patton. Roman on the other hand was looking at them in disbelief.
"Come on guys. I'm sure Virgil's fine. He just went to the restroom after all." He dismissed, but the others didn't seem to hear him and frankly I only partially listened. I'm worried.
At that moment, Remy's and Des's phones dinged simultaneously. Immediately checking their massages, they gave each other some strange look. Before I could ask, they made their way out the exit.
"We have something's to do, so you guys go on ahead and we'll catch up." Remy announced halfway out the door.
Oookay. That was weird. Whatever. Virgil might be in trouble for all we know.
Leaving the restaurant, we headed back to the restroom Virgil told Remy that he was heading to. Roman followed behind us, clearly showing an annoyed face, but I could tell he was a little worried as well.
Arriving at the restroom door, I could sense lingering sadness all around. It was as if someone had poured their heart out in here. Virgil must have had a panic attack or something. Virgil's scent was everywhere, but he was nowhere to be found inside.
"Thomas, do you think you could track where Virgil went from here?" Logan asked, standing my the exit. Nodding, I made my way to where he stood and let myself transform.
Turning into a small brown wolf pup was never really fun, though. I wasn't intimidating like I wanted to be but I guess it's normal considering my age was still rather young. As usual, Roman snickered at my tiny form.
Growling at him only made him laugh harder, so I didn't even bother. I had more urgent things to do right now anyways like finding Big Brother Virgil.
Following the scent trail and the others following me, I started my hunt.
Don't worry Virgil. Wherever you are, we'll find you.

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