Chapter 17

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(WOO! An update!! Read my announcements for my excuses. Welp: here you go.😃)
Virgil's POV
After quickly changing into some dry clothes and fixing my makeup, we all unfortunately made our way into Remy's limousine. I know he likes going out in style, but does he have to take it EVERYWHERE? I sighed and went in, taking up almost an entire side to lie down.
"Virgil, you should sit up at least." Roman whined, taking a seat between Patton and Thomas.
"Not a chance. You woke me up at 3am because wanted to go Disney, so I should be able to sleep on the way there." I glared at Roman, who rolled his eyes in response, letting the matter drop.
"I believe I read that humans need at least 8 hours of sleep a day for optimal functionality."
Note to self: Logan is a nerd. Not that I didn't already know that, but still.
I turned over on my side and began to drift off as Remy started the engine.
Time Skip 2 hours
I woke up, but kept my eyes closed. I could sense the bright light that was shining and didn't want to be blinded just yet. I could hear small mumbling nearby. Straining my ears, I managed to catch a few words through all the surrounding noises from outside the limo.
"...must come back..."
Come back where? Who? Just what are they talking about?
Suddenly, the limo jerked to a stop, forcing me to fall off the seat onto the ground. I glared through the small window near the front, ignoring Roman's obnoxiously loud laughter.
"Des! If you're the one who's driving, I'm going to kill you!" I yelled, getting back on the seat. Sitting up, I could hear a faint hiss-like laugh coming from the front.
"How did you know he was the one driving?" Patton asked, staring at me like I did something amazing.
"I know those two like the back of my hand. Remy gets sleepy at random times of the day, so Des picks up the slack to help. Also, Des is a horrible driver." I added in before the limo jerked to a stop again, forcing me to fall off once more.
"Oops. Sorry. Horrible driver, you know." Des called out from the front. I rolled my eyes and got back on the seat.
"You three are so close." Thomas commented, though I pretended not to have heard it and looked out the window. Large Disney build boards were everywhere, zooming by almost in a blur.
"I take it we're arriving shortly? There are many signs outside reading the word Disney." Logan analyzed, a serious look on his face. Though, it was always pretty serious.
"No shit, Sherlock."
"Language." Patton warned.
Time Skip- 1 hour (brought to you by PirateWitch's unending laziness)
"Woooow! Virgil! Virgil! Look at that!" Thomas excitedly shook me to gain my attention, pointing at the nearby train rolling passed us. However, I focused on the small crowd of people that stared at us. There was no malice in their eyes, but their attention alone made me uneasy. I opened my mouth to calm Thomas down, but his attention was still focused on the train.
"Calm down, Thomas. We're barely at the entrance after the whole security thing, so save your energy for later." Logan warned, placing a hand on Thomas's shoulder. Thomas nodded before joining Patton and Roman, who looked just as excited, and if not more than Thomas.
"Thanks, Logan." I sighed in relief as the onlookers carried on. He gave me a small smile as we continued walking.
"Hurry up you guys! You're taking forever!" Roman whined from ahead with Patton and Thomas in either side of him.
"Remy wants some coffee, so we'll catch up later!" Des yelled from behind us, him and Remy standing beside a Starbucks.
"What ride do you guys want to go on first?" Thomas asked, looking at a map excitedly. Logan peered over his shoulder, reading it carefully.
"How's about a roller coaster like Matterhorn? Or we can go on the classic It's a Small World." Roman added in. I groaned at the mention of Small World.
"Like hell I'm going on Small World. It's way too bright and 'happy' in there for me." I complained air quoting the word happy.
"Small World it is then!" Roman announced as he began to lead the way. I groaned as I trudged behind with Logan, who looked almost as annoyed as I felt.
Reaching the Small World ride after half an hour of waiting in line, we piled into the small boat mechanism.
"Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times." The speaker announced before we began to move.
"3...2...1..." I mumbled before, sure enough, the repetitive chorus began to echo into our ears and small robot dolls could be seen dancing everywhere.
"It's a small world after all. It's a small world after all." Roman and Patton sang along as we floated by. Thomas has sung along for the first two minutes, but quickly grew tired of the same words being sung over and over.
"Virgil." Logan whispered from beside me, making me jump. He gave me an apologetic smile before continuing on. "How did you time the music so well back there? Have you been here before?"
"Yeah, a few times. Remy and Des tried to spoil me as much as they could when I was younger, but I got tired of their constant attention and moved out about 3 years ago." I explained, putting my fingertips in the water, watching the ripples being left behind. It was oddly entertaining.
"Didn't they say to keep arms and legs in the ride?" Logan questioned, bluntly changing the subject.
I flicked some water at him in response, grinning as a few drops landed on his glasses. He raised his hand slightly, levitating a few droplets from the water beside him. Smirking, he made a pushing motion with his hand, allowing the droplets to fling themselves at me. I giggled as I scooped up a small handful and flung it at him.
"I want to play too!" Patton chimed I'm from in front of me, reaching his hand into the water. He quickly splashed some onto Thomas, who then went after Roman and before I knew it, we all exited the ride soaking wet.
I barely contained my laughter as we got off the small boats and saw the confused looks of the next batch of riders. Maybe today won't be so bad after all.

Little did I know the hell I would be put through soon enough.

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