Chapter 21

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Virgil's POV
After getting to the restaurant, Remy and Des nearly killed me in a death hug. How is it I'm not dead by now? They do this every time they find me.
"Don't worry, Virgil. We did kill the bastard like you wanted." Des reassured as he sat down at the large booth we decided to eat at.
"You better have. I swear, Des, if you aren't lying for once, I'm gonna-"
"Alright, Bitches. Let's get some food before anyone dies." Remy interrupts, giving everyone a menu from the stack on the table.
Grumbling in annoyance, I sat next to Logan. However, as I glanced at him, he seemed to have an amused smirk on his face. As much as his smile would normally make me flustered, I just felt immense annoyance at that moment.
"Nothing. I just take it that you're irritable when you're hungry."
"No shit, Sherlock." I retorted, ignoring Patton's warning from across the table.
"How are you so hungry, did you not eat breakfast?"
"No, I didn't finish. I was too busy trying to jump out a window and running through rain with coffee." I answered a little louder while leaning my head to the side to stare at Remy and Des. They merely smiled sheepishly in response, though Des's smile looked more like a smirk than anything, before returning to their own conversation with the others about who knows what.
"You should have told us. We could have waited for you to finish your meal."
"Yeah, well, I wasn't hella hungry then." I pouted.
"But now, you're dealing with a noisy stomach."
"Would you shut the hell up already, nerd?"
"My, my. Might I ask, how does it feel to have a silver tongue?" He suddenly teased. That's it! Usually I wouldn't show I cared what people said about my eating habits and other issues I had, but right now I just snapped.
I hissed at him, showing my teeth and glaring at him with all my might.
After a second of shock, Logan turned to the others, who all shared the same state of surprise aside from Remy and Des. They watched with both amusement and shaking their heads as if they knew it was bound to happen.
"I'm sorry, did he just hiss at me?" Logan asked for confirmation.
"I do that when I reach my limit with stupid questions." I grumbled, crossing my arms and looking out the window.
Out of nowhere, Roman burst out laughing, banging his hand on the tabletop with tears streaming down his face. Everyone stared at him in surprise. What's his deal?
"What's so funny?" I nearly hissed a second time, but restrained myself to hear what he was saying.
"It's nothing. It's just good to have you back." He answered, calming down from his laughing fit.
"What do you mean? I was only gone for about 3 hours. Did you really miss me that much?" I questioned in disbelief.
Roman seemed confused at my words before realization and fear filled his eyes. At least that's what I think was going on inside him. Strange glances were passed between all of them, including Remy and Des. What's going on? I began to feel the empty feeling inside me flicker into my usual anxious state, but unfortunately, it disappeared with Roman's next statement.
"Yeah! Of course we missed you! How couldn't we?"
"I see." I answered bluntly before turning to state out the window. However, as soon as I did that, I could have sworn I heard shuffling from under the table and a small Roman-like whimper. I ignored it staring at nothing with nothing on my mind.
"Hello, table 7. My name is Karen and I'll be your waiter this afternoon." A woman with golden hair and an obnoxiously large chest announced as she took out a note pad. "What can I get you folks?"
After placing our orders, She sped off threw a door nearby. Patton immediately began talking our ears off after she left. Me and Thomas giggles at a few dad jokes he made while the others groaned, other than Roman of course. Roman merely sat there, enjoying Patton's presence with a love struck look in his eyes.
If I wasn't so hungry, I'd say something to tease him. Whatever, Virgil.
Remember. You need to keep calm and act normal. The empty feeling inside me seemed to grow ever so slightly with each passing minute. Don't let them know. You'll just worry them...though why would they bother worrying about you? You'll just ruin everyone's fun again. Just keep your mouth shut. So that's what I did.
I sat there. Not talking. Just hoping the empty feeling would go away, though I knew deep inside me: It wouldn't.
I turned to see Logan give me a worried expression and I could feel myself pale.
What's with that look? Does he know something's not right with me? Is he going to tell the others?
Before either of us had a chance to open our mouths to speak, the woman returned with trays of food. She seemed to do it with ease and even carried one balanced on her head, grinning widely at us.
I instantly diverted my full attention to my meal. I usually don't eat much from feeling like I'm fat or just forgetting to eat in general, but today, I didn't give a damn and actually ate my whole tray.
"Goodness, honey. What an appetite you've got. Where to you store it all?" She called out to me as she refilled Des's drink.
I stared at her in confusion. Did she just call me 'Honey'?
Glancing at Logan, he seemed to have the same question on his mind, though he kept a straight face as always.
"Ah- Sorry. I couldn't help but notice you were really skinny and ate your food. You were just so cute, so I unknowingly commented." She said, smiling brightly.
I saw Remy and Des staring at me, both wearing snickers on their faces. Roman, Thomas, and Patton were busy in their own conversation and eating to concern themselves with us.
"Uh-Uhm...thanks? I guess?" I replied, not knowing what to say. I turned back to stare out the window, but was interrupted by a question that shocked almost everyone at the table.
"Can I have your number?"


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