Chapter 11

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Flash Back 2.5 hours
Virgil's POV
"Thomas, I'm going to run some errands and get groceries before I forget. Stay here." I said as I tied on my shoes.
"But-" he began.
"You can use my laptop until I get back. Don't break it." I interrupted before he could protest. Before I knew it, he was quiet as a mouse.
One of the others should be home soon, so I don't have to worry about him being alone for too long. I fumble over my keys slightly as I lock the door.
As I pushed my cart around the market, my eyes scoured the shelves for more pancake mix. I may have to make more pancakes if Thomas tells the others about that I think about it...we skipped lunch, didn't we?
As if on cue with my thoughts, my stomach let out a loud grumbling. My face heats up as a pair old ladies stare at me.
I better hurry and get out of here before my stomach decides to continue on.
After I pay for my items at check out, an all too familiar voice comes from behind me, making every cell in my body to freeze.
"Well, well, we'll. Look who we have here." Tod says, his voice low. Why? Why is he here?
"Have you been enjoying your days off? I've gotta admit: that buddy of yours really got me good with his special effects." He announced, laughing maniacally. What's he talking about? Wait. Does he mean Logan?
"But. This doesn't change things. You're going to pay for your friend's mistake." Tod said icily. My blood ran cold and I could feel myself start tremble.
"Follow me quietly or 'you know what' will happen." He whispered.
I did as he said, and followed him outside to a nearby alley with my head down.
As soon as we entered he turned and punched me square in the face, knocking me to the floor. From there he kicked my stomach and chest like on Wednesday.
"You're a disgusting insect that doesn't deserve to live." He yelled, repeating this until he ran out of breath. I coughed out blood that splattered across the floor and burned my throat like fire.
"See you Monday." He laughed, walking away.
I laid in my own blood and misery for who knows how long, but it felt like a lifetime. ...I can't stay here forever... They'll worry...but then again...would they really?...
I groaned as I sat up and leaned against the wall for support. Turning to the bags beside me, I painfully checked the contents. Everything was fine. Well, at least there's that. I better get home quick or Thomas will get suspicious of how long I'm taking.
I dragged myself and the bags to the apartment. Putting on my hood before walking in, I couldn't help but groan slightly at all the pain in my body. Every cell of my being was being stabbed by waves of pain and tension from my nerves. Just go in, drop off the stuff, and hide as quickly as possible.
Opening the door, I glanced around to find Logan and Thomas in the couch talking quietly. Good they're distracted, maybe this is my chance. Shutting the door, I speed walked to the kitchen and back toward my room. "What's wrong, Virgil?" Thomas asked before I could reach the door. Damn it!
"Nothing, Nothing. I'm just, uh, going to go to bed early. Wait for Patton to get home for dinner, okay? Goodnight." I said hurriedly. Crap, my voice must have sounded horrible. I hope they didn't notice.
I ran into my room and locked the door behind me. Sighing, I walked to the large drawer in the corner of my room and pulled open the top one. Inside we're rolls of bandages, a first aid kit, a bottle of disinfectant, and a bottle of water.
This is going to hurt like hell...
I took off my shirt and looked at my mirror nervously, not wanting to see the bruises and slightly bloody mess on me. Better get this over with before it gets any worse. I shut my thoughts down before I can begin imagining horrible diseases and death possibilities from this.
Wincing, I began to treat my wounds, cleaning the small cuts and wiping away blood. However, a small chill ran up my spine. Am I... being watched?
I look up from my stomach to find Logan and Thomas standing at the doorway, staring at me. I could feel all the blood drain from my face. Fuck, did I lock the door?
"Virgil..." I heard Logan say in nearly a whisper. Quick, think of something to say, anything!
"I-I'm fine." I said quietly. Idiot! You stuttered!
Their eyes seemed to widen at my statement. Within a split second, Thomas seemed to look like he wanted to cry, while Logan's face darkened with rage. Why does he look so mad?
"...this.." I managed to catch Logan's voice say, though barely. I stay silent.
"Who did this...Virgil, Who did this to you?" Logan questioned, his voice getting louder and louder. I...I can't move... can't talk...
Suddenly, Thomas was beside me, tears streaming down his face.
"What happened?" He asks, his voice cracking.
"There's no need to cry, Thomas." I place a hand on his shoulder. You're wasting your tears on me.
"What happened?" He repeated.
Seeing the two of them staring at me in silence made my chest tighten. Why do they care about me so much? We've only known each other for a week... so why?
I suddenly feel something warm and wet drip onto my free arm. When did I start crying? I quickly wipe my face, but it was too late. The flood gates were now open and I couldn't stop them. Tears kept flowing out of me, streaming down my face onto my lap. Why am I even crying? I'm pathetic. They're worried about me and I'm just making it worse.
Looking up, Logan was standing beside me in his solid form. Without warning, Logan wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in a tight hug. I sat there in shock, unable to move.
"Why do you always do this?" He whispered. "Why do you always hide your injuries from us?"
Wait. You mean you knew about Wednesday? I could feel cold drops on my he crying? I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. All I could manage to do was hug Logan back and bury my face in his shoulder.
I could feel Thomas join in the hug from behind me. After a few minutes, I finally stopped crying.
"Thanks, guys." I said weakly, pulling away from their hug, though Thomas wouldn't release me of his grasp.
"Please tell us when you're injured, Brother." Thomas whispered.
"Brother?" I repeated his word without thinking. He seemed to tense up behind me.
"Werewolves tend to label others as family when they are close." Logan quickly informed, looking to his left. So he thinks of me as a brother? My heart warmed at this and I couldn't help but smile a bit. Thomas let go of me and smiled back, though his smile looked a little forced.
Logan cleared his throat, gaining our attention.
"Let's get you the first aid treatment you need, Virgil." He said, moving toward the medicinal kit beside Thomas.
Was that Thomas? ....Did Logan hit him? I turn to see Thomas smiling at me. Well, whatever. I could be imagining things.
Time Skip
Third Person
Later that night, all the monsters sat in the kitchen as Virgil slept quietly in his room. They all sat in tense silence as they stared at Thomas.
"S-Sorry, guys." He said weakly. "I nearly let stuff slip."
"It's alright, kiddo. I know you're doing your best." Patton encouraged, smiling brightly.
"Though, you have to be more careful or the entire act could be ruined." Roman warned.
"Act?" Logan questioned.
"It's a theater thing." Roman commented, not looking away from Thomas.
"Well, anyway, Roman's right. You can't tell Virgil anything." Logan scolded, watching as Thomas let his ears droop.
"It's not like I did it on purpose." Thomas whined.
"Besides, it looks like Virgil didn't notice I'm slipping up today. This morning, too. He didn't seem to realize I almost gave up information about that time....Virgil is kind of dense now that I think about it like this..." His rant came to an end as he noticed the others' silence.
The room went silent.
"Thomas..." Logan's voice echoed as he spoke, sending a wave of fear to crash onto Thomas. Looking around himself, Thomas realized they were all glaring at him. Even Patton, who usually cheered Thomas up and defended him, looked like he could snap at any moment.
"W-What?" He stuttered.
"You mean you messed up twice today?" Logan questioned, his voice still echoing.
"Ah-" Thomas instantly regretted opening his mouth about the morning mess up.
"Punishment Time." The three monsters said simultaneously, their eyes all glowing red as they glared down at the cowering werewolf.

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