Fan Art+ Chapter 24

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(Oh! What's this? Is this

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(Oh! What's this? Is this...No it couldn't be. An update after months of leaving you on a
cliffhanger!? Oh gods! It is!! Well, here you go! 😉
Also, thanks again for the fan art! It's amazing!)

3rd Person POV

Virgil stood by the doorway of his bedroom in complete shock, staring at the 6 males in his living room who were staring right back at him. Every one of them were staring back at him in the same amount of shock as he was in, however none of them were as hurt as he was.

"They're hiding things rom me?  Do they not trust me? Why would they do this? Remy and Des are in on this too? How could they!" His mind was swimming in self doubt, angry, and betrayed thoughts, but he did his best to keep his emotions out of his expression. The memories of Remy and Des talking to each other in hushed voices in various occasions before disappearing for days on end and returning with injuries definitely didn't help matters, only helping Virgil's state of mind to worsen.

"Well? Is anyone going to answer me?" Virgil called out, crossing his arms. This snapped most of them out of the trances, but none of them knew what to say next. Remy and Des took a few steps forward, but stopped when Virgil send them an icy stare.

"What in the absolute hell is going on?" His glare hardened, sending a shiver down everyone's spines. Silence aside from a small whimper from Thomas due to the tension in the room, which was completely ignored.

"Why don't you go to bed, Babe? You must be tired and hearing things-" Remy tried to persuade with a soothing voice, but that caused Virgil to go over the edge in his anger.

"Like hell I'm doing that!!" Virgil hissed, a bright lilac aura enveloping him like flames. Everyone gasped at the sight, but this went completely unnoticed by Virgil as his radiant eyes harshly stared down his uncles.

"What have you been hiding from me? All these years! All those "errands" or "work days"! All those injuries they got! What have you not been telling me!?"  Virgil's voice echoed, growing more distorted with every word. His thoughts were spinning out of control, causing his breathing to come in shaky short gasps as tears began to stream down his face.

"Virgil, Kiddo. I'm going to need you to calm down." Patton tried to sooth, wanting more than anything to just hug his vulnerable friend until everything was better. However, he kept his distance, the flame-like aura around Virgil not allowing him any closer.

"Virgil, please breathe. If you calm down, it would be easier to explain-" Logan tried to say, but was interrupted by Roman's voice. While Logan's voice caught a bit of Virgil's attention, Romans words snatched it away completely.

"Hot Topic, you need to listen. Look at Thomas. He's suffering here." Roman pleaded, his arms around the crying and whimpering werewolf. It was clear the poor pup was already going through a full scale panic attack, tears streaming down his face as heavily as Virgil.

The sight of Thomas in this state was enough to get Virgil to freeze. His aura diminished significantly, causing a lot of relief to fall through the room, though it didn't disappear completely. It lingered around him, illuminating the dark room. Despite the circumstances, Logan couldn't help but admire him, a slight blush on his ghostly face.

However, Virgil paid him no mind, or anyone for that matter. He went straight to Thomas, moving slowly as to not startle him further. Roman gave Virgil a wary look before backing away from the werewolf, giving the two their space. He moved over to Patton, trying to keep him back from going in for the hugs he so desperately wanted to give.

"Thomas... Thomas, can you hear me?" Virgil asked, his voice quiet and as soothing as he could get it to be.

"Brother..." Thomas whimpered, hugging his knees tighter. Virgil could feel guilt through him for causing Thomas for ending up like this. Time and time again. However, he pushed this feeling down, trying to not make the situation any worse than it already is.

"Thomas, you're going to have to breathe with me. Can you do that for me?" He placed a hand on Thomas's shoulder, using his other hand to move with his breathing pattern. Soon enough, both he and Thomas were calm. Physically tired and emotionally/ mentally exhausted, but calm nonetheless as they sat on the floor in recovery.

After another few moments, Virgil finally tore his eyes away from Thomas, looking up to find five pairs of eyes staring back at him in a strange mixture of worry and relief. Taking one last deep breath to steady himself, Virgil stood up and steeled himself.

"I still want answers. Start talking." He announced, moving over and taking a seat on the couch. Digging his hands in his hoodie pockets, he stared up at them for their next move.

"I guess we'll go first, babes." Remy stated, breaking the silence and taking a seat on the couch next to Virgil. He took off his sunglasses, making Virgil and everyone else's eyes widen. It was common knowledge that Remy NEVER takes off his sunglasses. Ever.

Virgil shifted to face Remy completely, knowing full well that he was being 100% serious at the moment. Remy smiled a bit at the act, but it vanished as quickly as it came.

"Virgil. Des and I are monsters and so are you." He announced so bluntly, he startled everyone in the room. Virgil's eyes widened slightly, but he remained silent, waiting patiently for further explanation. Well, mostly patiently. His thoughts were beginning to run wild again, despite his best efforts to calm down.

"What does he mean I'm a monster? There's no way. He has to be joking. He HAS to. I'm human. I'm human." Virgil thought, but was quickly pulled out of his own mind by Remy snapping his fingers in his face. This quickly brought him back to reality, where he began to turn into a stuttering mess under the gaze of 6 monsters.

"H-How... Why- just W-What.... E-Explain." He stumbled, getting a look of amusement from Logan. However, a quick glare his way wiped the small smile off his face.

"Well, kiddo. It might just be easier if we showed you. Explaining it all out loud like a story time would make things complicated." Patton announced, getting nods of agreement from the others.

"What do you mean by 'showing' me?" Virgil's confusion only grew. This went ignored by the others as they shifted around the room, creating a sort of semi circle around Virgil and the couch.

"Remy. Des. If you'd do the honors?" Roman inquired, getting nods from the said twins.

"What are you-" Virgil asked, but was cut off by a blinding light. A wave of drowsiness suddenly overwhelmed him, causing him to sway back and forth a little.

"Sssssssllleeeeeeeeepp...." a pair of voices whispered to him, soothing his nerves and pushing him over the edge. Virgil's consciousnesses slipped away and he slumped forward, nearly sliding off the couch.

Logan quickly stepped forward and caught Virgil before he could fall to the floor. Sighing, he then gently moved Virgil's body onto the couch, properly laying him so he wouldn't fall. Looking at Virgil's peaceful face and the glow around him, Logan breathed a bit of hair out of Virgil's face.

"No need to worry, Babe." Remy said, placing a hand on Logan's shoulder. "He'll be fine once he remembers. Just keep an eye on his for us when we can't be around to."

Logan let a small sad smile onto his face.

"I always have. Always will."

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