Chapter 6

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(Warning: Bullying and blood.)
Virgil awoke to Patton gently shaking him and an alarm sound could be heard in the distance.
"It's time for you to wake up, kiddo." He said quietly as Virgil groaned. "Come on, Virgil. You've been sleeping on the couch since yesterday and now there's a loud box in your room. We don't know how to fix it."
Virgil slowly got up off the couch and trudged his way to his room. There he found Thomas and Roman sitting on his bed, Roman trying to block the sound with pillows on Thomas's head. Thomas ran to Virgil upon seeing him.
"Virgil can you PLEASE stop that horrible noise?" Thomas begged, covering his ears and wincing slightly every time the alarm rang. Virgil quickly shut off the alarm.
"I don't get it. You heard this the other day, why didn't you react then?" Virgil asked, watching Thomas's face turn sour.
"I was in the living room then. Today I was here with that thing only a foot away from me." He explained irritably, leaving the room. Patton laughed nervously.
"Don't mind him. He's just grumpy is all." Virgil heard Thomas taking his place on the couch.
"I'm going to get some more beauty sleep." Roman stated, laying back down on Virgil's bed. Virgil pulled the blankets off of Roman who made offended Princey noises.
"Get out of my room. I have to get ready for school." Virgil said, pushing him out the door.
"Fiiiiine." He groaned. "Thomas! Scoot over."
Virgil closed the door, not wanting to see the fight for the couch between a vampire and werewolf. Though, in the end, he still heard scuffling through the thin apartment walls. The Twilight Of Of Real Life. Virgil let out a small giggle at the thought, but quickly moved on.
After getting changed, he left his room and placed his backpack by the door. Looking over,  he saw Roman spooning Thomas on the couch and Patton placing a blanket on the two, smiling happily. He then turned to Virgil.
"I made breakfast, kiddo. It's on the table." Patton whispered.
"Thanks, Pat." Virgil mouthed, making his way to the kitchen, but stopped when he entered and turned back. "Where's Logan?"
"He said something about a ghost meeting." Patton whispered, a hand on his chin and looking up as if the reason was floating in the air. Virgil shrugged, pushing his urge to ask further to the back of his mind, and sat at the table by a plate of eggs and bacon.
On his way out the door,Virgil felt a strange chill run down his back. Looking back, nothing was there. Patton was reading a cookbook in the kitchen and the two others were still sleeping peacefully on the couch. Brushing it off, he quickly made his way out of the apartment.
At school, Virgil kept his hood on and stayed close to the wall as he walked through the halls. As per usual, Virgil drifted off in homeroom while the teacher droned on about upcoming events. However, this morning, a certain announcement caught Virgil's attention.
"Starting next Monday, the school board has decided to not allow hoods to be worn during class." The teacher stated in monotone.
"WHAT?" Virgil exclaimed, though he wasn't the only one. Half the class was standing and beginning to cause a ruckus. Virgil grumbled quietly as he left to get to his first class of the day.
Suddenly a large pressure from his back forced him to the ground. Virgil looked back from the floor and froze. A tall boy with blond hair and wearing a football jersey stood, glaring down at him. Virgil quickly stood, but the boy pinned him against the lockers.
"Why weren't you here yesterday?" The blond boy asked coldly. "Monday was your free day, but yesterday you deliberately ditched school didn't you?"
Virgil could feel himself trembling slightly.
"I-I-I..." was all he could manage to say before a booming voice could be heard from down the hall.
"Tod! We have to go! Hurry up!" A large man with a whistle hanging on his chest yelled from down the hall. Tod turned back to Virgil and whispered in his ear, "Meet me after school or you know what will happen." before leaving and joining the gym teacher.
Virgil shakily went to his next class, but before he knew it, it was already time to go home. He had sat through his classes in a daze, his face extremely pale. Finally, Virgil sighed and felt himself turn his emotions off. "Lets get this over with."
He made his way behind the gym and stood there, leaning against the wall. Within a few minutes, Tod and a few other jersey wearing teenagers were gathered around him.
They began pushing him around in circles, but quickly grew bored, so the started punching him and kicking his legs. Tod did most of the damage, but the others watched and laughed, a few throwing pebbles at Virgil. One hit his temple and knocked him over to the floor, blood trickling down his face. This led for an opening for Tod, who kicked Virgil in the stomach, laughing every time Virgil groaned or coughed.
"You're disgusting! Nothing more than a bug compared to me! Oh, your dear little mother must be so~ disappointed." He yelled as his kicked Virgil.
After about fifteen minutes of kicking, they group left, laughing and joking. Virgil laid on the ground, blood trickling down his face from a small lump on his temple and out of the corner of his mouth. Sitting up, Virgil groaned and winced. "This is pretty bad. I can't have Patton and Thomas worrying about me, though."
Virgil slowly stood and walked shakily to the nearest restroom. There, he washed his face and applied concealer on the bruises scattered on his face. When he felt satisfied, he slowly started to make his way home.
Getting to his apartment, he was met with a scared Roman who hid behind him quickly.
"Hot Topic! Help me! Logan got home a bit ago and caught me adding a bit of color to one of his books!" Roman yelled, pointing inside the apartment. Virgil looked inside to find Logan walking towards them, the blue aura around him growing and moving like flames. Patton and Thomas were cowering in a corner, Patton trying to calm Thomas down, though fear was evident on his own face as well. Virgil could feel his chest tighten, making him wince slightly from the pain.
"L-Logan, calm down a little, please?" Virgil asked nervously.
"Why should I? Roman crossed a line today and I want to make sure he pays." Logan hissed. Roman shrank behind Virgil, though he was much too big to do so completely.
"I know he crossed a line, but it's a little hard to breath if everyone's like this." Virgil admitted weakly. He could feel his breath beginning to quicken and shorten. Logan seemed to cool off instantly.
"I-I think I'm just going to go to my room for a while." Virgil said, though barely in a whisper, walking into his room and locking the door behind him.
The four monsters stood in silent shock.
"We should check on him..." Patton said quietly, breaking the silence and bringing the rest back to their senses. They nodded and all turned to Logan.
"What?" He asked.
"It sounded like he locked the door, so it's up to you to go in there." Thomas explained.
Logan sighed and nodded. "I'm no good with feelings though."
He stuck his head into the room and looked around to find Virgil sitting on his bed, hugging his knees and crying. Logan felt himself move to him before he even decided whether or not to make himself present.
Making himself solid, he sat beside Virgil on the bed, unsure what else to do. Virgil jumped slightly realizing Logan was next to him.
"Are you...emotionally sufficient?" Logan asked quietly. Virgil shook his head. Without thinking, Virgil leaned onto Logan, catching them both by surprise. Logan wrapped an arm awkwardly around Virgil, watching him visibly start to relax. Soon, Virgil fell asleep in his tears.
Logan carefully laid him on his bed and covered him with a blanket before exiting the room. Outside, Roman and Thomas were already sleeping. Patton walked up to Logan, worry clear in his expression.
"He's asleep and seemed to have calmed down significantly." Logan whispered, watching Patton sigh in relief.
"That's good, but I feel bad that we frightened him that badly. Poor kiddo." Patton said quietly, staring at the ground. Logan nodded, a heavy weight on his chest.
"Something feels off though. It's not like Virgil to get scared by us so easily...or was it just me that terrified him so much?"

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