Chapter 10

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Virgil's POV
Waking up, I could feel a familiar heavy weight upon my chest and groaned. Partially due to the pain of my bruises that had yet to heal, but also because I already knew what the weight could be. I looked down and, sure enough, Thomas was curled up on the covers I was under again.
I slid out from under him, though much more gracefully than I had on Monday. After freeing myself, I placed a blanket over the sleeping Thomas. He's going to catch a cold if he keeps this up. I guess I'll get ready in the bathroom today. After I finished, I noticed there was no one else in the apartment. This is weird... Going into the kitchen, I found a note on the table.
"Virgil, I'm off to work today again. Logan and Roman found jobs too, so we went together. Please keep an eye on Thomas for us today. When we come back, I'll make cookies for everyone~! Have a good day, Kiddo!" I froze.
Wait. I'm supposed to watch him?!? How can I do that? I've never done anything like this before... what if I do something wrong? Or he gets hurt? Oh god, what if he doesn't like me?
I could feel myself sink into darkness. The room was shrinking and the air was slipping away from me way too quickly. I dug my nails into my shoulders, but I couldn't feel anything. My vision blurred as tears began to roll down my face.
Suddenly, I could hear whimpering from my room. That sound... I clung to the sound with all my might and trudged my way to the room. Thomas was sitting on my bed, hugging his knees and crying. Thomas... I did this to him...I'm pathetic. I can't even watch over him without doing this to him.
Thomas noticed my presence and looked up at me. No. Please don't look at me like that. I could see him open his mouth slightly, moving them to mouth the words "Help me".
I felt myself move toward Thomas before I could even think. I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug that seemed to help me slightly as well. What were the numbers again? Oh, right.
"Thomas, breathe with me." I whisper. "Breathe in for 4 seconds...hold for 7 seconds... and out for 8 seconds..."
We sat in silence, breathing in sync until we both calmed down.
"Thank you, Virgil." He said in a low voice. Guilt stabbed at my insides.
"Don't thank me... It's my fault you went through that..." I admitted. Thomas quickly shook his head.
"No, I can tell you were thinking of me when it started." He said. "You're a really good guys, Virgil."
"I highly doubt that..." I stared at the ground.
"But it's true!" Thomas defended loudly, making me jump slightly.
"You're always protecting me! When I fall to the floor from the couch, you put a blanket over me. When you flung that spider out the kitchen window, you probably saved me from a stomach ache. And when you protected me from-"
He cut himself off, frozen in place. What's with the look in his eye? Did he run out of reasons? Of course he did, I haven't even done much of anything except hurt him...
"And you protected me from Roman, Logan and my bath!" He said suddenly. "Er- well you tried to anyway. The point is: you're always helping me. Thank you."
He hugged me tightly before I could protest. I sighed and hugged him back.
"Let's go eat breakfast." I suggested, gently pushing him away and standing up. He lit up and wagged his long bushy tail.
"Let's eat pancakes!" He exclaimed, standing up from the bed. I nodded and made my way to the kitchen.
I'm feeling slightly artistic right now. Maybe I could try something?
I made the pancake mix and dragged a chair toward the high cabinets. Standing on it, I could feel Thomas's gaze on me. I tried to ignore it as I reached for the food coloring. Stepping down, my foot slipped. Crap! I flailed around to regain my balance.
A sudden pressure pushed my back to help me stand upwards. I look behind me to see Thomas placing his hand on my back for support.
"Thanks." I said, stepping down once more, but much more carefully. My heart was beating quickly from nearly falling. That was close.
"No problem." Thomas replied. "What is that you have?" He sniffed at the food coloring in my hand. I smiled softly.
"You'll see." I said, placing them on the table by the pancake batter. As I mixed colors into small portions of the batter, Thomas watched in amazement and let out a slight squeal of excitement.
Alright. Time to focus. Unless you want a repeat of the last time. I shivered at the memory of a failed charcoal pancake.
I began to draw pictures on with the pan with the colored mix, trying my best not to smear anything. Thomas watched from over my shoulder. I could see he was trying not to ask questions.
In the end, I had two plates of The Nightmare Before Christmas themed pancakes and a small pile of dirty dishes in the sink. Ah- Right. This is why I don't do this often. I look over to see Thomas staring at the pancakes in front of him, a bit of drool dripping from the corner of his mouth.
"You can eat them, you know." I said, resisting the urge to laugh. He immediately began to wolf down his food. (Sorry. Couldn't resist the pun. XD )
"This is amazing, Virgil!" He yelled with his mouth full.
"You'll choke if you take with food in your mouth." I warned, watching him swallow dramatically. He's hanging out with Roman too much.
"You're a great cook." He said after chugging a bit of orange juice. "And the pictures are awesome! Where are they from?"
I stared at him in disbelief. "You've never seen The Nightmare Before Christmas?"
He shook his head. "What is that?"
"Finish your breakfast and I'll show you." I sighed. How are they all so disconnected from the world? Is it 'cause they're monsters? Well, whatever. I'll just have to teach them before we get into any kind of trouble.
I shook all thoughts out of my head and quickly finished eating my breakfast.
Thomas day in the living room, having already finished long before I had. I walked over, carrying my laptop and sat down beside him.
"Remember, Thomas. Don't break anything like Roman did with the TV or there will be serious consequences." I warned, glaring at the broken TV ahead of us. Thomas nodded, slight fear in his eyes. Pressing play, I realized something dire in this situation. I'm about to show a movie about monsters to a monster. Oh god! Please don't let him take any offense to anything!
As we watched the movie, I noticed as Thomas' face lit up and saddened as the movie played on. As it finished, he  stared blankly at my laptop's screen, not making a sound.
"You okay, Thomas?" I finally ask. He's mad isn't he? I'm such an idiot!!
My thoughts were interrupted by his sudden yelling. "That was amazing!"
He started jumping up and down. "That part with Jack and the snow- oh and the singing- and the amazing rescue! It was all so cool!" He screamed, spinning around excitedly. He's like a little kid. I guess the others did tell me he was still a pup or something like that, right?
I couldn't resist smiling any longer.
"I'm glad you liked it."
"Are there more movies like this?" He asked curiously. I nodded and began to play The Corpse Bride.
3rd Person
Getting home from his new job at the library, Logan found Thomas staring at the screen of Virgil's laptop with a serious look on his face.
"Thomas, did Virgil allow you to use his laptop?" Logan questioned, making Thomas jump from his sudden appearance.
"Yes, he did. He went to run some 'errands'," He quoted.  "And to get food for dinner saying that I can use it until he gets back." Thomas explained, returning his attention to the screen.
"Alright then. But would you care to tell me what has your seemingly undivided attention." Logan asked, walking over to the couch. Thomas stared at the floor.
"It's this." He turned the screen toward Logan, showing him The Nightmare Before Christmas.
"What is it?" He stared at the screen in confusion. Thomas then pushed play, allowing the movie to begin.
As the movie ended, the two monsters sat in silence, both staring blankly at the screen.
"I see what's troubling you now." Logan said, clearing his throat. "This is indeed a problem."
"Yeah...Do you think we should...try to question him?" Thomas asked timidly.
Logan shook his head, though hesitantly.
"We should wait... and don't tell the others. We need to approach this matter carefully, especially with Virgil being in the middle of this. I don't want him getting hurt."
Thomas stares at Logan in disbelief.
"Logan. Do you like Virgil?"
"What?" Logan couldn't believe his ears.
"I-It's just that you've been acting kind of...strange lately." Thomas fumbled. "Whenever you're around seem sort of...out of it... so do you like him?"
At that moment, Virgil walked threw the door with his hood on, quickly dropping bags onto the kitchen table. Logan and Thomas both flinched at his sudden entry.
"What's wrong, Virgil?" Thomas asked worriedly.
"Nothing, Nothing. I'm just, uh, going to go to bed early. Wait for Patton to get home for dinner, okay? Goodnight." He ran into his room, locking the door behind him.
Thomas and Logan stared at each other, unsure what to do.
"Check on him?" Thomas asked.
"Check on him." Logan confirmed.
They both stood and walked to Virgil's bedroom door.

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