Chapter 14

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Virgil's POV
I sat back on the chewed up sofa, my laptop on my lap. After quickly typing in the title, The Nightmare Before Christmas began playing on the screen. However, as the intro could even start, I felt as though I was being watched.
Looking up, I found Logan was floating above, staring down at me. Okaaay. Whatever I guess.
"Want to watch?" I offered, patting the couch cushion beside me.
He seemed to be surprised by my question, but slowly floated down next to me. I returned my attention to the screen, a strange happy feeling in my chest. I couldn't help but hum along to the opening song. This is Halloween~
"You really like this movie, don't you?" Logan's voice suddenly rang after the music ended, nearly making me jump. I felt my face get hot, so I quickly hid behind my bangs.
"Y-Yeah. It's my favorite and I watch it pretty much everyday. I'm honestly surprised I'm not bored of it yet, but for some reason it's like I'm connected to it. Pretty dumb, huh?" I admitted, giving a small smile.
"Not at all." I heard him mumble, but he seemed to be looking at the screen. I wonder what he's thinking... Continuing to watch the movie, we sat in mutual silence.
Logan's POV
Halfway through the movie, Virgil began to nod off. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him visibly struggle to keep his eyes open. However, Virgil caught me by surprise by leaning his head on my shoulder.
Looking down at Virgil, my face heated up as I analyzed his face. His pale skin brought out the eye shadow under his eyes. His whole face was perfectly outlined by his lilac and black hair. I could feel a warm tingling in my chest as I continued to stare. Without warning, my body seemed to move on its own. I pressed my lips on the top of Virgil's head.
Quickly pulling my head back, I checked on Virgil's state of consciousness. His eyelids were still shut.
Thank goodness. He's still asleep....What the hell am I doing?...
Raising my hand to chest level, I levitated Virgil's body off the couch. Leading the way to the room, I brought him to his bed and placed his laptop beside him. After covering Virgil with one of his dark colored blankets, I couldn't help but continue to stare at his face once more.
One last kiss wouldn't hurt...
Quickly pecking his forehead, I gently brushed the hair out of his face.
"Feelings really are the bane of my existence..." I mumbled before leaving the room.
Virgil's POV
What the fuck just happened?

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