Chapter 4

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After about four weeks there about, I had a lot of hard work drowning in, and being that I was so dedicated to work, I did what I was supposed to and sort of just forgot about the mysterious phone call that I was anticipating for so long. I arrived in my office and around my desk at a good time this morning, 9am. After an hour, I finished most of my work I had packed up on a corner of my desk yesterday, within the next two hours I dealt with everything for my boss and ran errands for her. Seems I had the rest of the day free, man, was I glad! At exactly twelve-fifteen in the day, my office phone rang. I heard it from a distance. By the time I got to the door, it stopped. Really, I couldn't care less who had phoned. I went around my desk and took a seat with my Latte in hand. I was about to call Mel, from my cellphone, when the office line rang again... I paused and stared at it for a while, then I picked up the receiver


After I picked up, the voice on the other end struck me, hard too, deep and sexy. I almost choked on my coffee

"Hello gorgeous"

"Uhm... Hi"

In my mind, I was just wondering who the hell this was

"It's been a while"

Then it hit me, right there around my desk, Tyler called... That damn cunt! After seven damn crazy weeks he decided to call.. Jesus.. 


I stuttered. Oh my.. My long time love, the man Tyra issued all my numbers to on her trip, the man we had an argument about, was on the phone with me.

"Yes, Skye. Did I call at the wrong time?"

"uh.. Oh, uhm, no. No you didn't. Could you just give me a few seconds though?"


I got up, almost falling to the ground, and went to close my office door. I leaned back against it for support a little while, then ran back to my desk, sipped some water from the bottle I had on the desk and picked the phone up. 

"I'm back"

"Are you okay?"

"I am. Thank you for asking"

"Not a problem"

Oh God, this man's voice was putting me in a trance. Damn him, I couldn't think straight. All I was thinking of was the past and how we were and how good we would've been together, after all these years. I quickly snapped out of it after he called my name.

"Yeah, sorry, I was just lost in a few files on my desktop"

"So, this was a bad time then?"

"No Tyler, I was just about to turn it off"

"Okay. I'm close by you, lunch time?"

Was he asking to take me out to lunch?

"You know where I work"

"I do"

"I suppose Tyra gave you the address. Did she tell you where I live too?"

"She didn't wanna tell me, I insisted though and she gave in, just not the home address. Would you like me to know?"

Of course I would! What kinda question was that?!

"No Tyler"

"Hmm, okay. So, how've you been?"

"I've been great. But hey, no personal business on company phone, so you'd have to call some other time on my cell"

"Oh, I see. But, before you go, could I meet  you for lunch in a few?"

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