Chapter 16

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Two months and two weeks went by from the weekend spent with Tyler's family. From that Saturday at the pharmacy, that was the last I heard from Jerome, seemed he got the memo, and man was I glad! I took that unbothered time to give all the dedication to my man, his daughter and my girls. We held a small shower and gender reveal party for Tyra, a lot more people than expected showed up, it was a great turn out. She had a 'bouncing' baby boy two weeks after the shower and they were now home. Lloyd took paternity leave to be home with his family, I tell you, my brother in law was quite the man, and of course, Tyra was spoiled now more than ever. Sade and I have been visiting on a regular, taking Tyra all the junk food she desired, when Lloyd wasn't home, and whenever we objected, she'd throw a tantrum. Oh boy, my sister. She named him Liam Omari-Tremone Dean, a whole mouthful

Amy came to visit the other day, her marriage was blooming, thanks to the counselling sessions she's been having with Collin

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Amy came to visit the other day, her marriage was blooming, thanks to the counselling sessions she's been having with Collin. She was now six and a half months pregnant with their first kid and was happier than a child in a candy store. I was happy for her. She was hosting a baby shower and took my invite. Jenay was still with the bartender, a real gentleman she says. They were a few months in their relationship and she was gonna move in with him. Kevin has been calling and begging her to take him back, but she was now fully over him. Boy didn't know what to do with the fine woman he had and now another man does and he's dying. Nigguh could just drop down and die for all I care. The holidays had come and gone, and so had my twenty-sixth birthday. Tyler got us on a two day cruise for that weekend. It was real romantic. Our relationship was a year and four months old. Melonie and I were best of friends due to us spending a lot more time together. When she wasn't with Clarice, she'd be with me. Basically between houses weekly. Even if her dad visits with her and decides to go back home instead of staying the night, she'd usually stay. Of course, now that we were growing so much on each other, there'd be a few times when she'd call me 'mommy' and it'd warm my heart every single time

"Skye Layne"

I rolled my chair under my desk and clicked on the 'Client #001' file on my desktop, my cell in my free hand, by my ear

"Hey mommy"

"Don't you 'hey mommy' me. Where have you been child?"

"Here mom. Just busy with work and all"


"Yes mother?"

"Nothing sugar. I miss you and Tyra, and I can't wait to see my grandchild"

"We miss you too. As soon as he's old enough to visit, I'm sure you'll see him ever so often, or, you could visit"

"You know, I thought your dad and I could take a trip"

"How's daddy"

"He's doing good. At work"

"Good. And how're the boys?"

"Trouble as usual. In school"

"As long as they're in school I'm good"

"Yeah. So Skye, you know what I'm bout to ask, right?"

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