Chapter 5

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I love Fridays. It meant going home early, chilling with my girls, going in to relax and enjoy my weekend. It was already lunch time, but I had decided to have what the company was sending out. I got an internal call from the ground floor, receptionist

"Ms. Layne, you have two visitors"

"Who may I ask"

"They wish to remain anonymous Ms. Layne"

"Mhmn... Send them up Tasha"

A few minutes later my office door was almost knocked down. I knew right away it must've been the girls

"Come in guys"

"How'd you know it was us?"

Tyra closed the door behind them and they almost fought for the recliner

"C'mon, no civilized being would come knocking my door as if there were wild animals on the loose"

They laughed and I smiled at their goofiness

"So, what's up? What's for lunch"

"I'm not sure, getting something from here"


"What brings you guys here? Aren't you supposed to be teaching a bunch of kindergartners Tyra? 

And you, miss Sade, aren't you supposed to be in your office?"



"So, uhm, what're you doing here?"

"Just relax. How's your morning been? Heard from-"

"No, I haven't heard from Tyler yet. I just knew that was the reason for your presence.. Couldn't y'all just called?"

They laughed and started getting comfortable, then my incident with Damion popped up so I decided I'd fill them in

"So, you guys remember Damion, my co-worker, right?"


"The tall, fine guy"

"Whatever. Yeah, him"

"Mhmn, what happened?"

They pulled closer, looking lost in a trance or something... Sometimes they do the most. I love them anyways

"This morning I went to apologize to him for the way I blasted him the other day"

"What happened?"

"Why lash out?"

"If you'd both just listen and stop interrupting maybe I'd get to it"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes and they both shot me the finger. I giggled

"Fiesty much.. Go on"

"Anyway, about Wednesday, while talking to you girls, just before the date, he came in my office, and just stood there listening. I hadn't realized, cause while talking to you guys, I was facing outside"

"That's rude"

"Yeah, then he had the nerve to comment. I got so mad"

"Dang, I no longer like him"

"That's why I snapped, getting all aggressive. I told him I had people to meet-"


I looked at them funny.. Okay, then

"Places to go-"

"Only the finest restaurant in town"

"Ok, I get it, y'all know the juice.. Sheesh. Anyway, I told him to get the hell out"

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