The Final Chapter pt 2

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"Hello mom"

"Skye! Girl, it's been a while"

"I know mommy, I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry this, I'm sorry that, sorry, sorry, sorry.. That's all you say"



I laughed then sighed. She was really a handfull sometimes


"Girl, I pop your ass over this phone. Don't shush me"

"I knew you were gonna say that. I was joking mommy"

"Hmph, jokes"

"Yes, jokes. I've got a little story for you now"

"What's that?"

"Once upon a time"

And I walked to the kitchen to fix tea for Mel who was now watching TV


"There was a little girl, who grew to be a fine young lady-"

"And very vain"

"Mommy, lemme finish. Anyhoo. She met this guy, someone from her past, and they began a relationship that blossomed into something really beautiful and then he proposed to her and they intend on living happily ever after"


"That's it... Oh, wait! That fine young lady, her name is Skye...."

"Wait, what?"

"Mommy, Tyler proposed to me on Sunday!"

She screamed so loudly I had to move the phone from my ear. When I did, I saw Mel walking in the kitchen, with her brows furrowed

"What's wrong baby?"

"I'm hungry"

"Okay sweetie, I've got your tea here for you. There, go take a place at the table"

I walked with her to the table, with her cereal in one hand and my phone in the next. Mommy was going on and on to my dad in the background. I gave Mel the cup and sat on the chair facing her and watched her have her breakfast.

"Thank you mommy"

"You're welcome Melonie"

I placed the phone back at my ear and cleared my throat loud enough to get my mom's attention. We discussed the details and I told her about the move as well and that we'd probably have a spring wedding, Tyler and I would need to make these decisions together though.
For the rest of the day, I made a few calls here and there, especially to my Landlords who'd be coming to collect the keys Next weekend. I stood in the middle of the house and began looking around, soaking in the memories of when I just got here, my failed relationships I experienced, right here. I was gonna miss this place. Melonie was in the guest room playing wih Abbie and her dolls, so I decided to make a light dinner for us. It was getting late, though it was still bright out, and I wanted me and Melonie to get back to the house before Tyler get home. I had planned on giving him bomb sex later, so I wanted to set up for that. I took my phone from the table and walked out to the living room where the girls were watching TV and having dessert. I opened the phone and saw Tyler had texted 'Babe, I'll be a little bit late tonight, the Hospital's director is here and needs a word. I'll be home at 9, the latest. I'll just grab a bite to eat soon. I love you girls'. I frowned and rolled my eyes. I guess this is what it is to be in relations with a doctor, or an even equally busy person. I sent him a quick text back 'OK boo, we'll see you later. Be safe, we love you ????'.

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