Chapter 19

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It's been two months since that weekend at the cabin with Jerome. Was I over it? Not exactly. We were still keeping in contact, still seeing each other and having crazy sex, for the following week and half, but now Tyler has came around, after a crazy episode I had. Looking back at it, it was quite a shocker, even for me. So I remembered this movie I had seen with Tyra, and decided what the heck!
So, about a week ago, there was a rain storm and I had told off Jerome and stopped seeing him. I was now focused on fixing my relationship with Tyler. I had been sending gifts to his office, texting him daily, resumed that habit of calling at least five times per day. Still, he was reluctant. I was fed up, angry, horny and flustered! It was a month and he was still 'teaching' me a lesson.. Sigh. So, on that faithful rainy Friday night, I pulled on my rain boots over my leggings, threw on an over sized pull over, locked my house up then got in my car and drove a whole forty-five minutes to Tyler. I pulled up in his round driveway, up to his door. Before I exited the car, I turned my radio on and had my car stereo on blast, blaring the Jasmine Sullivan song, 'Need U Bad'. I sang out, soaking wet in the rain, even pressing out my horn, until I saw the curtain move and a little face looked out, Melonie came to my rescue I suppose. The doors were too big for her to manage and she went and got Tyler, who was seemingly ready for bed, sporting his pajama bottoms and a robe, barely covering his fine abs. When he opened the door, I was already in tears, asking him, at the top of my voice, what else he wanted me to do, and that I was sorry, and to stop torturing me for crying out loud. He went back in and closed his door and I stopped yelling, and stopped crying. I was about to tell him to fuck off and leave, when he came back out with a large umbrella and a towel thrown over his shoulder. And our conversation went a little like this;

" What on Earth are you doing out here in the storm Skye?"

"Oh, I wanted to see you"

"But the storm ends tomorrow"

"I know"

"You could've called"

"To get through to your voicemail again?"


"No Tyler, tell me I'm lying.. Cause that's what's been happening for the past month! Every time I try reaching out to you"

He sighed and opened the umbrella then came to get me. He took me on the porch then told me to take my sweater off, I hadn't worn a bra so I was a bit hesitant, but then decided what the heck, his neighbors weren't too close anyway. I took the sweater off and he handed me the towel so I could wrap up, then took off my boots and leggings. As I got in, Melonie came running in my arms and Clarice stood in the foyer, watching with a smile. I was glad to be back there. It wasn't a school night for Mel, so she stayed in the kitchen with me as Clarice made me some ginger and honey tea and some toast while Tyler finished up some work in his study. I checked my phone while I waited for him to come down, I had archived Jerome's chat and went in to read his last message to me 'Skye, please, just talk to me. I miss you. I love you'. I was a bit conflicted. I had a soft spot for Jerome and I was treating him how Tyler was treating me. I exited his text and closed my phone to cuddle Melonie who was wrapped up in my arms. I missed her so much. After half an hour, Mel and I had drifted off into sleep in her 'big girl' bed, arm in arm. Tyler had come to get me from her room then took me to the bathroom, which was dimly lit, with scented candles on the floor. I could feel the warmth coming off the water heater and the bathtub was full. I got teary eyed, cause I knew what this was, I knew my man was ready to move on with our relationship. He stood behind me and opened the robe he had given me to put on and gently pulled it over my shoulders, then kissed each side softly as it fell down to the floor. He was still in his pajama bottoms when I looked around, seemed he wasn't planning on joining me. He led me by my waist to the tub then held my hands as I stepped in and sat down, immediately laying back and closing my eyes, enjoying the warm water and aroma therapy from the scented candles. After about a minute, I opened my eyes and Tyler was sitting on the tub, staring at me with a small smile. Was that a glimmer of hope? It was. I smiled and told him to join me, eagerly, he did. He stepped in the tub behind me, after dropping his pants to the floor. He sat down and I cuddled between his legs and intertwined our fingers. We talked about a lot for the next hour. What happened the night I went to see Jerome on the boat and who Jerome really was. He was hurt, and I was so sorry. He told me he had been talking to his friend about how badly he was affected that night and asked me to visit the sessions with him, I readily agreed. This was what I wanted. This was what I needed. Working on my relationship with the man I was so deeply in love with. We got out of the tub and straight for his shower to wash the soap off, then entered his bedroom from the bathroom's access. He had flame-less LED tea light candles lit all over and his bed was filled with petals. Man, he knew how to set the mood. There was also a bottle of wine and two glasses by the table. I clipped my wet hair up in a ponytail, dropped my towel then walked over to the bed and took a seat, Tyler followed shortly behind. He came to stand before me and gripped my face then kissed me softly. No honey, don't do that, it's  been a good month, I need you. As our lips parted I wrapped my legs around his then held onto his neck and pulled him into me. I kissed him deep, feeling my nipples getting hard and my clit throbbing. God knows I missed my man so much! I felt so good as he was laid up between my legs butt naked. I continued kissing him, sucking on his lower lips as his fingers made their way to my center, to soothe my throbbing clit, driving me nuts. Tyler had this way that he touches me, that just makes me feel I'll lose all my senses. While we were still kissing, he had placed two fingers in me and worked them, approximately five minutes later, shaking with pleasure as he fingered me and caressed my mound, I came. During the time I had cut Jerome off and was trying to win my man's heart back, I was too focused on work that I didn't even have the time to pleasure myself, I guess I was saving all my juices up for this one night. He eased himself off me and I got up off the bed, still shaking and hugged him then began kissing him again, reminding him that I loved him with every breath within me. He hugged me and did the same, then he whispered something to me, and maybe it was his tone, but I didn't know whether to be turned on or worried for my little kitty. He slapped my naked ass so hard I just knew he left his print on me, then he used one hand to hold my jaws then pulled me into him

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