Chapter 12

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It's been three weeks since the fundraiser and my night with Tyler. I'm beginning to think I was ready to step up the pace a bit. I had spoken to Tyra and Sade of course, they totally agreed that it was about time I stepped it up a notch. It'd been a full 6, going on 7 months since we've been back in each other's lives and I was still holding out. I even began to wonder if he was getting some elsewhere, cause he was such a patient man.Jerome has been calling my office for days, trying to convince me to go out with him. It's tempting, but I can't go there. And I'm begging God not to let me, I mean, he's handsome, successful and all, but I'm not trying to mess things up with Tyler after he just came back with a kid, I mean, that was bad enough for a young, thriving, beautiful girl like myself. Jerome was single, at least, that's what he says, and without kid.. And, why was I out here weighing the pro's and con's knowing damn well I had a man?.. I sighed deeply

Jenay on the other hand, was doing well. She was still hanging with that bartender from Dana's, they've been on a couple dates and she can't stop talking about how nice he was. I'm so happy for her, so happy that she finally got rid of that demon boyfriend of hers. I rolled my eyes so far back they started hurting. It was Wednesday and I decided I'd stay home from the office today and just relax -terrible lie-, I had tons of work to do, both for home and the office and I was exhausted. I made my way from my study to the front porch with my laptop and files and my work phone, with Loyalty shortly behind. After about an hour into my work, I heard my phone ringing, I ran in to get it. It was a private number -I hated taking those calls, but answered professionally anyways

"Good afternoon"

"So full of manners"


"Good guess"

"How'd you get my number?"

"And now she gets back to the Skye I'm more familiar with"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes


He chuckled with his deep, smooth voice

"Okay, okay.. My aunt knows someone"

"Mrs. Eddie"

Seriously, people have got to stop issuing my private numbers without my knowing. What does this fine specimen want with me now?

"Can I take you out for coffee?"

"I can't"

"Can't or won't? What are you scared of? You've been avoiding me"

"Uhm, maybe it's cause I have someone in my life"

I gave him the best attitude I could muster up

"Don't you have a lady in your life or something?"

"Who I want is playing hard to get"

What was he talking about? I walked back out to the porch and took up my laptop and noticed I had gotten an email from Tyler. He was close by and wanted to know if he could stop by. But of course! I replied, unwillingly giving in to Jerome's coffee request

"Ok Jerome. One coffee and that's it. I gotta go, okay?"

"Thanks for the chance. I'll call you to make the date"

"Hmm. Not a date. Bye"

I hung up before he could answer, stared at the phone then shook my head. I began clearing my paperwork from the lounge chair then went in the kitchen to make sandwiches for me and Tyler when he pulled up in the driveway. He made his way in and directly to the kitchen, wrapped an arm around me and kissed my neck, I smiled and put a slice of bacon in mouth

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