Chapter 2

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I turned in my bed and instantly pulled the pillow over my head, the sunlight coming through the windows was deadly for freshly opened eyes at such an early time of the morning. I got up and sat in the center of my bed, then gently stroke Loyalty's back as she rested her head in my lap. I glared at the alarm clock on my bed side table, it was 9am.

Today's Saturday, and for crying out loud, why the hell am I up so early? I got up and head to the kitchen, I was so hungry. I took out the pancake mix from the cupboard and put some water in the kettle, then went to change and freshen up and do my hygiene.

After 10 minutes, the kettle began whistling and i was just about done in the bathroom, at the same time, the house phone started ringing. I shot in the kitchen to turn off the stove, then quickly made it to the living room to pick up the phone on the fourth ring.

"Hello? Good morning"

I looked over at the wall clock I had gotten as a gift from mom, it was 9:45am.

"Hey honey"

I recognized the voice the instant she spoke. her accent couldn't be missed.

"Hey Amy"

Amy was one of my close girlfriends from college. She kinda has a little problem now, straight up, coming from behind the bushes, she cheats like it's second nature! She absolutely has no issue with what she does. I'm not usually one to judge, I mean, that's not my job, but I think she needs help. Amy's married to her high school love, Terry, and they've been together for over 7 years and I'm certain the excitement may have died a little while ago, in their relationship. I mean, only that could explain her promiscuity, that an another fact that they have no kids together. However, that still does not give her the right to cheat so much.... at all. I know Terry, he loves her endlessly and gives her his all. He takes care of her, even throughout college. He provided everything. So yeah, she needs to stop. This grown man has called me, crying, when he caught up on her acts in earlier times, he was torn. She phoned me once, going on and on about this guy she met, which she almost took him to her home. Best believe Mr/ New guy was getting the coochie, and hard too. I was gonna help her though.

"Skye! It's been so long. How've you been?"

"I've been..... same old, same old. Busy with work, no time for me really. How bout you?"

"I'm great. Got any plans today?"

"Hmmm... Just gonna take Loyalty to the park"

"You and that dog"

She chuckled

"Yeah, well, she's my only company here, so..."

"Whatever Skye, get a man, maybe you won't be so lonely and depend on poor Loyalty"

"Oh well, I'm not as lucky as you are to catch em all. I've been managing just fine without one , so, I'm good. thanks though"

"C'mon Skye, lighten up'

"Yeah. So, are you coming or not?"

"Yeah, I'll come by at 10:30am"

"Okay.. See you later"

I put the phone back on the hook then headed to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I continued my pancake mix and relit the stove with the frying pan already on. After 10mins, I had finished making my pancakes and tea and headed to the round eating table in the middle of the kitchen, I poured on some syrup and began eating. After 5 minutes, I was trough and going through my Instagram page, liking pictures. I took a quick selfie and uploaded it then headed for the bathroom to take my shower. After, I got dressed in my gym tights and camisole and Nike sneakers. Fed Loyalty, while I got her harness, leash and water bottle. By 10:20am, I heard a car pull up in the driveway, then shortly after, my doorbell rang, that was Amy. I got my water bottle, put the leash on Loyalty then we all headed out to the park. It was just a 15 minutes walk to the park from my house. On our way there, of course, we caught up on the regular rendezvous' with Mr. New guy.

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