Chapter 6

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And who's this cutie you might ask? Melonie Harris 😍

I decided I'd visit church today, with Tyra, for some well needed prayer and blessing. The storm had come and gone, t'was no big deal though, just heavy rains. I didn't have work for the three days so I decided I'd stay home and in bed. Tyler had been blowing up my phone for the past week, but I wouldn't answer, I wanted to , but didn't. I did just text though, with the occasional 'Hi', 'How are you?' and 'I'm fine'.

Church was okay, great actually, Sade and Jo were there too. After the service, we all went to Sade's house.

"So, you're telling me he's married?"

"Hm-Hmm... And has a daughter"

"Girls, please. I don't wanna hear about him right now"

"Honey, we're sorry, but don't you think he should've at least mentioned having a daughter?"

"Yeah, he should have, but I guess his reason was how he'd go about breaking that news to me"

"Tyra, she's right"


"What's that supposed to mean?"

Joanna started crying so Sade gave her another spoonful of cereal

"It means finally one of you is already on my side"

"Now what is that supposed to mean?!"

"Tyra! Just let it go"

I took up my glass of lemonade and went into the living area to check my phone. There had been six missed calls and three messages. Two of those messages and a call was from Tyler, he wanted to know if i was okay, and in the other text he told me he and his baby are okay. I was honestly happy to hear that. The other calls were from mom and the other message from Jenay. I haven't heard from mom in what seemed like ages. I read the message from Jenay. She had walked out on Kevin, I said a small 'hallelujah' in my mind, and she was safe in the storm. Sade had finished feeding Jo-anna and came to the living room shortly behind Tyra. I could tell she was ready to start a fuss with me about walking out while she was talking to me, but I quickly dialed mom's number and listened as it the phone rang. She started to cuss, but I held a finger up, indicating i needed a minute and then pointed to the phone and she rolled her eyes. Mom picked up

"Mommy, hi"

"Hello Skye"

"How've you been?"

"I've been good child. Why am I not hearing from you?"

"Mother I-"

"Mother? Who you calling 'mother'?"

"Mommy, sorry. I've just been busy with work and stuff"

My mother, so strict and crazy. What's wrong with 'mother'? I swear, Caribbean parents. I rolled my eyes

"So, You work on weekends too Skye?"


"So what's your reason for not calling then?"

"Nothing really"

"I tell you 'bout you kids now-a-days, figet bout yu parents when y'all branch off and living y'all little lives. Remember who brought you here on Earth"

Oh My God, I just hopped out of the frying pan, straight into the fire


"Don't mom me, I didn't grow you nor your sister this way. Anyhow, are you doing okay?"

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