Chapter 15

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The foiine Jerome Lauren above

We head to Selene right after work for her to get her stuff for the party and clothes just in case she may have to leave home with me tomorrow morning for work. We knew it was an 'after work jam', hence wearing work attire would've been hitting the nail on  the head, but we were out of office early and it would've just made sense to freshen up and go. Selene invited me in, and since she moved, it was the first time I was actually going to her apartment, I must say, it is extremely lovely and so chic. After getting her bag, we head out to the car park and drove out. We got back to my house at 6:30pm and I started right away with getting an ensemble together and head to the shower

"Hey Skye. What time's the party?"

"Uh, good question. I don't know, I'd have to call Jerome"

"Okay. Sade just texted me. She's on her way and wants to know the same thing"

"Okay. I'm getting out of the shower now, I'll hit both of em up. The extra towels are in a drawer on my vanity. Help yourself"

With that, I put my robe on and went to get my phone then head to my bedroom. I didn't bother answering Sade, being she was already on her way. I opened the phone's dialer and began punching Jerome's number. Before I hit send, Tyler called and I quickly answered


"Hey, sweetheart. Sounds like you're in a rush when you answered"

"Oh no honey, was just about to make a call out"

"Oh, my bad. How're you?"

"I'm good baby. And you?"

"I'm great actually. I thought I'd drop in tonight, that okay?"

"Uhm. I'm actually heading out with the girls tonight, an after work party. How bout you sleep over tomorrow night, then we'd go to your mom Saturday morning?"


"Yeah. The party was short noticed"

"Ok baby. That'd work. You know who's hosting the party?"

"Uhm, no. Selene told me about it and invited the girls"

As I said that, Selene walked in and stared at me wide eyed and I gave her a guilty look. Why the hell was I lying to Tyler?! What the hell am I doing? I shook it off. We wrapped up our conversation in another five minutes then I continued o calling Jerome. He picked up on the second ring


"No Jerome, it's Skye. Do you gotta be so obnoxious every time I talk to you?"

"C'mon baby girl. What's up?"

"I just realized you hadn't told me a time"

"Oh, it's already started. Goes to 11pm. I was beginning to think you bailed on me"

"And if I had?"

"I'd come get you myself"

I gig gled a little then told him I was getting ready and would be there in the next half hour or so. Sade showed up in a strapless, fitted dress and block heels. Selene wore an orange dress, with strappy heels. I went with an olive green bandage dress and knee high strappy heels. We were bout to turn heads in that club tonight. We left my house at 7:30pm and head out to Dana's . Let's just see what this night will be about. I pulled up in an empty space at 8:04 then proceeded to enter the club. The music was blasting on the inside and it was packed. How many people could this man possibly know? Thank Heavens he didn't know Tyler. So far, it was all good vibes. I scoped the club and spot Jenay and her bae at a table chatting away. I grabbed Sade, who grabbed Selene and pulled them through the thick crowd and over to the table, giving Jenay a huge smile with my matte velvet lips

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