Taking This One To The Grave

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I was finally back at work, feeling and looking better than ever. I had a lot of client meetings for the next couple of days and a lot of projects to get done. After my miscarriage, which was still in the back of my mind, I stayed at Tyra's for a week. Selene would drive my car after work then leave with Sade when she came over. I mean, I was sad, but I was only three weeks in, literally a bean inside. I tried to just keep a positive attitude about it. Plus, I got to take care of my beautiful nephew during that time. I kept reaching out to Tyler, until he finally gave in I guess, but still didn't show much interest. He sent me a long ass email one day, telling me how much he needed some more space, and he was good, and so was Melonie. He did attach a photo of her in a cute kindergarten uniform. She started around the time we 'split'. It hurt a little, cause I didn't know this, but I tried to shrug it off and went on to reading the rest of the email. Damn, he was truly hurt, but so was I. But it was almost as if he wasn't gonna get over it. I sighed, thinking about the outcome if I hadn't lost the baby, if we had gotten back together only to go through another breakup cause my infidelity brought a child in. I tried to shake the thought by diving head first into a ton of workI had piling up. I closed my email as I heard a knock on my door, the company's delivery man came in with mails and a package. My face lit up when I saw the small box. Tyler was finally coming around, or so I thought. When the delivery man went out and closed the door behind him, I took up the package and gently shook it. There was no name on it, apart from mine. I shrugged to myself and took my phone to call Tyler to thank him for the gift. I opened the box to a note that read 'I hope you like the addition' with the initial 'J.L'. My smile faded. I was disappointed a bit and took the phone from my ear and disconnected the call. I moved the note and lifted the small charm, it was a butterfly arrangement clip from Pandora's line of charms. Very nice. I unhooked the bracelet and added the charm. Over the past few weeks, Jerome and I had developed a 'normal' friendship. We'd go on lunch dates, movies, coffee run, the norm. There were a few times where he'd call to go jogging in the park close to my home, but I'd decline. Being near my house was a red flag. Next thing you know he's coming in for coffee, then requesting a lil  extra sugar. Our friendship so far was good. Casual, no sexual advances. Nothing beneficial, just friends. I was relieved. Now to get Tyler's trust back. Selene walked into the office and spot the box on my desk and slowly reached for it as she sat. She searched my face, the held up the box




"Oh, yes"

"Ooh. I see. He's been constant. I see you've been having lunch with him instead"

She folded her arms and pouted and I laughed. She playfully rolled her eyes then placed the box down and went over to the recliner, seemingly her favourite spot in my office

"I'm sorry Selene. I've been neglecting you and that's punishable. Please forgive me"

"I'll think about it peasant"

I gasped loudly, putting a hand over my mouth and she laughed

"So Selene, what's been going on with you?"



"Remember that girl I was dancing with at the party"


"Well, we have been seeing each other"

"You have??"

"Yes, we have"

"You're... Gay?"

"Well, yes. Didn't notice?"

"Uhm, no, I didn't. But, there was that one time when you were seeing this dude"

"So you didn't think anything of how close I was to you? And that guy was a trial, didn't work"

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